vitamin E ???


Well-known member
so i got some vitamin e pills. on bottle it says 1 pill has 200 IU. not sure what this means so i googled. turns out the minimum a person needs to stay healthy is 20 IU per day, but 1 pill from this bottle is already 10x that. what's up with this? i remember seeing there were bigger bottles that has 800 IU per pill.
The Food and Nutrition Board at the Institute of Medicine report the following dietary reference intakes for vitamin E:


  • 0 to 6 months: 4 mg/day
  • 7 to 12 months: 5 mg/day

  • 1 to 3 years: 6 mg/day
  • 4 to 8 years: 7 mg/day
  • 9 to 13 years: 11 mg/day
Adolescents and Adults

  • 14 and older: 15 mg/day
One IU of Vitamin E is 0.67 mg of RRR-alpha-tocopherol, or 0.45 mg of all rac-alpha-tocopherol

It must be like Vitamin C. You can't overdose on Vitamin C. Some orange juice bottles has 255% daily recommended dosage of Vitamin C
Individuals who cannot absorb fat may require a vitamin E supplement because some dietary fat is needed for the absorption of vitamin E from the gastrointestinal tract. Anyone diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, individuals who have had part or all of their stomach removed, and individuals with malabsorptive problems such as Crohn's disease, liver disease or pancreatic insufficiency may not absorb fat and should discuss the need for supplemental vitamin E with their physician. People who cannot absorb fat often pass greasy stools or have chronic diarrhea and bloating.

Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (ULs) for Vitamin E [6]

Age ............Male........... Female..... Pregnancy ..Lactation
1–3 years
4–8 years
9–13 years
14–18 years
19+ years

[TD="align: right"]200 mg
(300 IU)[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]200 mg
(300 IU)[/TD]
[TD="align: left"][/TD]
[TD="align: left"][/TD]

[TD="align: right"]300 mg
(450 IU)[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]300 mg
(450 IU)[/TD]
[TD="align: left"][/TD]
[TD="align: left"][/TD]

[TD="align: right"]600 mg
(900 IU)[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]600 mg
(900 IU)[/TD]
[TD="align: left"][/TD]
[TD="align: left"][/TD]

[TD="align: right"]800 mg
(1,200 IU)[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]800 mg
(1,200 IU)[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]800 mg
(1,200 IU)[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]800 mg
(1,200 IU)[/TD]

[TD="align: right"]1,000 mg
(1,500 IU)[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]1,000 mg
(1,500 IU)[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]1,000 mg
(1,500 IU)[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]1,000 mg
(1,500 IU)[/TD]

If you're going to take a suplement, take Vitamin D... almost everyone is Vitamin D deficient
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Vitamin E is great for the skin and helps with healing.

Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin :). The whole lot of us up here in Canada should be indulging in this during the winter months. I find it even boosts my winter blahs.

Vitamin C is another one that is great to help the body heal and protect itself. Super for the skin!

It's not gonna hurt you to take 400U of E :).
There's a theory that you can't have too much vitamins (ie you just end up crapping or peeing the unusable nutrients out). Some cancer treatments work on that principle (ie the Gerson therapy overdoses patients with Vitamin C to try and cure them).

Maybe jc100 or the other chemical dudes can chime in, but you'll probably be fine if you take more than what's necessary. You also have to realize that supplements are usually for people who aren't getting the amount that they should be getting, so they tend to over-compensate to cover the variance between people. & keep in mind that the 20UI is for the average person; the non-average person would need more or less than 20UI.

Btw vitamin E's very useful for scars and your skin, in general. If it's a liquid pill, you can cut it open and put the liquid directly on scars and they'll get noticeably better over time. (Just make sure that it's only a vitamin E pill & nothing else :p)
There's a theory that you can't have too much vitamins (ie you just end up crapping or peeing the unusable nutrients out). Some cancer treatments work on that principle (ie the Gerson therapy overdoses patients with Vitamin C to try and cure them).


NO dude. Don't give advice unless u are sure.

You can take water soluble vitamins all day long and not get poisoned. Because they just pass thru the intestines. Fat soluble vitamins on the other had will get absorbed and reside in your fat tissue. Fat soluble vitamins are A, D, E, K.

If you ask me, our foods have plenty of vitamins already and has advance so much in the last 20yrs. We don't really need to take vitamins unless it is a special case scenario.

Too much fat sol. vit. can lead to complications.

Take home message is "too much of a good thing can be bad for u"
If you ask me, our foods have plenty of vitamins already and has advance so much in the last 20yrs. We don't really need to take vitamins unless it is a special case scenario.

I'd argue the opposite. Our food is a far cry from what it used to be even 20 years ago. Genetic modification isn't always a good thing.
I'd argue the opposite. Our food is a far cry from what it used to be even 20 years ago. Genetic modification isn't always a good thing.

Care to elaborate?
Genetic modification cannot reduced the amount of vitamins something produces
Care to elaborate?
Genetic modification cannot reduced the amount of vitamins something produces

I was talking in a general sense. I believe genetic modification of food (to the point we're at today) is not good for us as a species. Our food is so far off track from what "food" should be that it's laughable.
I'd argue the opposite. Our food is a far cry from what it used to be even 20 years ago. Genetic modification isn't always a good thing.

The government passes laws to "enhance" certain foods with certain vitamins when as a nation people tend to be deficient in that vitamin. For example; if there is a lot of cases of rickets in infants, vitamin D would be added to baby formulas globally, etc. The reasoning is that less money is spent on treating the disease later and people are generally too dumb to care for themselves (which I actually, in this case agree with).

And as has been mentioned, YES, there is a recommended daily amount and there is also a "toxicity" level, which you shouldn't exceed. As also mentioned, your body is better at getting rid of access in some cases but not others so it kind of varies but I would generally try not to take TOO much as there is such a thing.
I was talking in a general sense. I believe genetic modification of food (to the point we're at today) is not good for us as a species. Our food is so far off track from what "food" should be that it's laughable.

Yeh but that doesn't make it have less vit.

Genetic modification has enabled us to produce mass quantities of food from the same amount of land 50yrs ago. 50yrs ago, we though we would never be able to feed the population we have now because of the decreasing # of land used to grow crops. In fact we are getting fat
Yeh but that doesn't make it have less vit.

Genetic modification has enabled us to produce mass quantities of food from the same amount of land 50yrs ago. 50yrs ago, we though we would never be able to feed the population we have now because of the decreasing # of land used to grow crops. In fact we are getting fat

We shouldn't have the population we have now....but that's an entirely different debate. I won't get into it, but the way people eat is grossly abhorrent of how people *should* eat.
The government passes laws to "enhance" certain foods with certain vitamins when as a nation people tend to be deficient in that vitamin. For example; if there is a lot of cases of rickets in infants, vitamin D would be added to baby formulas globally, etc. The reasoning is that less money is spent on treating the disease later and people are generally too dumb to care for themselves (which I actually, in this case agree with).

And as has been mentioned, YES, there is a recommended daily amount and there is also a "toxicity" level, which you shouldn't exceed. As also mentioned, your body is better at getting rid of access in some cases but not others so it kind of varies but I would generally try not to take TOO much as there is such a thing.

I remember them adding fluoride to the drinking water. Not sure if they still do that
I remember them adding fluoride to the drinking water. Not sure if they still do that

It depends on the municipality. There is a group lobbying to have it removed and it has been successfully lobbied in several areas.
Yeh but that doesn't make it have less vit.

Genetic modification has enabled us to produce mass quantities of food from the same amount of land 50yrs ago. 50yrs ago, we though we would never be able to feed the population we have now because of the decreasing # of land used to grow crops. In fact we are getting fat

You can blame the latter on the processed food revolution.
My mother recently asked me if you can overdose on Vitamin B so I started Googling. I found sources that said that while it is pretty much impossible to actually overdose in a way that would almost immediately kill you (like a drug overdose would), taking giant doses of certain vitamins (B and E were mentioned) have been closely linked with several cancers.

Then again, everything causes cancer anyway so how you take that information (if it's even true), is up to you.
Can't speak about the dose...but I can say you're probably going to be peeing a lot of the pill away. Lots of conflicting reports on vitamins, pro/anti etc. Whatever you read though just be sure to check the source. This is a multi-billion dollar industry. Most of the big pharma companies also have fingers in the vitamins pie and there's a lot of disinformation about the same way as with prescription drugs. If you really want to have a look at things in-depth check out PubMed.
A lot of the "pre-workout" supplements that are supposed to increase blood flow and give you extra energy during workouts have an INSANE amount of B12. We're talking like 20 times the recommended daily intake. I hear a large dose of B-12 is supposed to cause more blood to rush to your skin which is the reason but I'm always a little apprehensive about taking supplements that list an ingredient as 2000% of the recommended daily amount! Just doesn't seem right in my head and obviously pretty unnatural.

I also had someone tell me that they used to overload on vitamin c cause of the whole "keeps a cold away" reputation of vitamin C and he started getting more acne which stopped once he stopped taking so much.
A lot of the "pre-workout" supplements that are supposed to increase blood flow and give you extra energy during workouts have an INSANE amount of B12. We're talking like 20 times the recommended daily intake. I hear a large dose of B-12 is supposed to cause more blood to rush to your skin which is the reason but I'm always a little apprehensive about taking supplements that list an ingredient as 2000% of the recommended daily amount! Just doesn't seem right in my head and obviously pretty unnatural.

I also had someone tell me that they used to overload on vitamin c cause of the whole "keeps a cold away" reputation of vitamin C and he started getting more acne which stopped once he stopped taking so much.

As I previously mentioned, you can overdose on other vitamins EXCEPT vitamins A, D, E and K.

Vitamin C is only absorbed in your system ONLY if it is needed. That's why orange juice manufacturers can put 1000% of your daily intake and not have someone go into a fitz
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