VIdeo of the Motorcycle accident @ Yonge and Pleasant

I don't see why the rider would get crucified, even by the public. He was the one who got the **** knocked out of him.

I weave and occasionally lane split, but never when traffic is stopped/slow, congested (unless at a red light) and NEVER near an intersection. I don't even change lanes near intersection, you never know who will try to pull out
油井緋色;2149749 said:
Yes, but riding that way is acceptable in other countries. I understand that we're in Canada.

Stop arguing for the sake of arguing. From your earlier post in this thread:
油井緋色;2149749 said:
Weaving at a speed way faster than traffic in a slow traffic situation is, however, a sure way of getting hit (you'll find that ppl who weave in Asian countries, do not do it as fast as those 3 did)"

So based on that, no, riding like that is NOT acceptable in other countries. Had he been weaving at the proper speed, he would've been fine. Pedestrian too.

油井緋色;2149749 said:
who knows if the driver was on his cell phone or not.
Not you.

油井緋色;2149749 said:
You are right that the riders shouldn't be riding like that through traffic but the driver should have been paying attention
The rider should have been paying attention and looked before he changed lanes and sped through the intersection... but he couldn't because he was being and idiot and carelessly weaving through traffic and speeding through intersections.

The driver didn't account for this idiocy that he couldn't see(you know, because the rider was behind another car, in another lane). When he looked, it was fine. You call that not paying attention? How the hell could he account for a rider ripping through an intersection weaving like a ****ing basket maker?

Go find some pine cones.
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They're not only weaving, they are also illegally lane splitting. This is clearly shown at 45 seconds when the last rider goes between two adjacent cars and continues through.

Also, a legal definition of weaving would be changing lanes rapidly. I don't see any turn signals being engaged for lane changes so they are also not signalling lane changes either which is also a no-no as it means unsafe lane change.

I agree based on the video that this appears to be aggressive riding.
I don't see why the rider would get crucified, even by the public. He was the one who got the **** knocked out of him.

It's not the rider that people will feel sympathy for, it's the pedestrian. That's where this is going to go south for the rider really quickly.
If it wasn't for the pedestrian this whole situation changes drastically.
Hooligan lane splitter vs innocent by-standard is how this will be played out
Good! If he wasn't riding like a jack ***, the innocent pedestrian wouldn't be in critical condition.

Look, I get it, we all ride "spiritedly" at times... But riding like that, in dense traffic, with pedestrians all over the place, isn't the time or place for it. This accident could've been 100% avoidable by not riding that way. We all make mistakes, we also have to pay for those mistakes.

I'm not saying the X3 driver is completely innocent in this situation, but if the rider wasn't riding in that manner, the accident never would of happened.

This accident could've been 100% avoidable if the left turning vehicle made sure it was clear prior to proceeding with the turn.
The driver was at fault 100%, the bike had the right of way. Watch video again, even the pickup truck next to the bike had to brake to avoid
hitting the left turning car.
Watch video again, even the pickup truck next to the bike had to brake to avoid
hitting the left turning car.

Pickup had to brake because the X3 braked(slowed down) when he saw the rider at the last second.

If the Biker wasn't speeding through the intersection, the X3 wouldn't of braked, and the pickup would've carried on at his proper pace.

This accident could've been 100% avoidable if the left turning vehicle made sure it was clear prior to proceeding with the turn.

And It was clear for the X3 driver BEFORE he made the turn. The rider came speeding through the intersection mid-turn.
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hedo2002: I remember that insurance thread. Good connection. It's not every day one wins an Internet argument. Gotta holla for 10 dolla.
Pickup had to brake because the X3 braked(slowed down) when he saw the rider at the last second.

If the Biker wasn't speeding through the intersection, the X3 wouldn't of braked, and the pickup would've carried on at his proper pace.

And It was clear for the X3 driver BEFORE he made the turn. The rider came speeding through the intersection mid-turn.


If the SUV started turning when the bike was in his vision (Or the right lane) than I would be on the riders side, But the bike decided to change lanes and stay hidden after the SUV was already starting his turn.
From the SUV's perspective, he saw 2 vehicles (cars) travelling at him and had time to clear the intersection, why would you assume some motorcycle would come flying out from behind the car directly in front of you.

Also I believe HTA172 states stunt driving includes excessively changing lanes to advance in traffic, So technically the rider was breaking the stunt driving law as the accident happened too.
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Not so look at the video even stop it if necessary when the BMW began the turn the rider was BEHIND the pickup. Driving teaches all lessons, one of which is to focus on the closest vehicle in each lane not the second, third, and fourth in line before beginning a turn. That is what the BMW driver likely did he made a judgement based on the location of the pickup in the left lane and the car in the right lane, (which there wasn't enough room for a vehicle to pass between), and made his turn. He can't be blamed for not considering the bike which was, (at that moment), the THIRD vehicle. Also his vision of that bike may have been obstructed by the pickup, which the bike was on the rear bumper of...

The pickup braked AFTER the bike had swerved to his right, causing the BMW to brake. Had the pickup braked to avoid the BMW when the bike was still behind him then we would be discussing how the rider rear ended the

Right or wrong, this video will be viewed by the general public much the way the riders in the NY video were viewed, as hooligan crotch rocket riding idiots. Behaviour like this does so much more damage to the riding community, than good could be created by 5 charity rides.

I also bet many were surprised to learn the rider was in his 40's as MOST would have thought he was in his 20's at best. That is just the stereotype the public has.

This accident could've been 100% avoidable if the left turning vehicle made sure it was clear prior to proceeding with the turn.
The driver was at fault 100%, the bike had the right of way. Watch video again, even the pickup truck next to the bike had to brake to avoid
hitting the left turning car.
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Hopefully people learn from this video. Just because you have the right of way doesn't mean some dummy isn't going to pull out in front of you and send you off to the next life.

This is the outcome of what happens when two people who both lack common sense meet. (the rider and the driver who pulled out)
Ok I'll ask it. You're in downtown Toronto in traffic. Where the **** are you all going in such a hurry? The suv turning left is at fault too but riding like a douche with something to prove got that dumbass real far didn't it? Wouldn't common sense say get out of the city away from people if you want to ride fast or agressive? The poor innocent pedestrian. I hope both drivers involved get it up the cornhole.
Ok I'll ask it. You're in downtown Toronto in traffic. Where the **** are you all going in such a hurry? The suv turning left is at fault too but riding like a ****** with something to prove got that dumbass real far didn't it? Wouldn't common sense say get out of the city away from people if you want to ride fast or agressive? The poor innocent pedestrian. I hope both drivers involved get it up the cornhole.

To top it off the rider was in his later 40s.
I'd expect this kind of behavior from someone whos 18...

Regardless speedy recovery to the rider and pedestrian.
fault or no fault weaving in and out of traffic like that one a busy city street isn't the smartest thing to do. Especially darting out into an intersection like that after that last close pass...Yea maybe the SUV will get the at fault charge, but your still a hood ornament and some poor pedestrian also got plowed. And for what? To get ahead of all the cars....

People suck at driving, some are half blind, you cant change that, but what you can change is not putting yourself in a position to get hit simply because your riding a motorcycle and feel that you need to weave past all the cars and be in front...Timmies is 24hrs, slow down it will still be open when you get there

And Id also like to add that " I believe speed was also a factor"
To top it off the rider was in his later 40s.
I'd expect this kind of behavior from someone whos 18...

Regardless speedy recovery to the rider and pedestrian.

lol really? All the reckless riders I've ridden with since I began riding are 30+, except a couple who are 24.
Not so look at the video even stop it if necessary when the BMW began the turn the rider was BEHIND the pickup. Driving teaches all lessons, one of which is to focus on the closest vehicle in each lane not the second, third, and fourth in line before beginning a turn. That is what the BMW driver likely did he made a judgement based on the location of the pickup in the left lane and the car in the right lane, (which there wasn't enough room for a vehicle to pass between), and made his turn. He can't be blamed for not considering the bike which was, (at that moment), the THIRD vehicle. Also his vision of that bike may have been obstructed by the pickup, which the bike was on the rear bumper of...

The pickup braked AFTER the bike had swerved to his right, causing the BMW to brake. Had the pickup braked to avoid the BMW when the bike was still behind him then we would be discussing how the rider rear ended the

Right or wrong, this video will be viewed by the general public much the way the riders in the NY video were viewed, as hooligan crotch rocket riding idiots. Behaviour like this does so much more damage to the riding community, than good could be created by 5 charity rides.

I also bet many were surprised to learn the rider was in his 40's as MOST would have thought he was in his 20's at best. That is just the stereotype the public has.

Couldn't agree more.
I don't think the SUV saw the rider until it was waaaay too late.
You can see the SUV start to make their turn on the left side of the truck. The rider is just off the right rear corner of the truck at that point, accelerating into the intersection.

I had a file similar to this very recently.
NB vehicle waiting to make a left. Light turns yellow. SB vehicle is stopping for the yellow/red. NB vehicle starts the left turn and a second SB vehicle pulls out from behind the first and accelerates into the intersection to try and 'beat the light' but ends up T boning the NB vehicle.
Police report comes in and shows exactly the same thing.
Left turn vehicle is found not at fault and the straight thru driver 100% at fault.
People suck at driving, some are half blind, you cant change that, but what you can change is not putting yourself in a position to get hit simply because your riding a motorcycle and feel that you need to weave past all the cars and be in front.

This x 1,000,000

Riding on the street is dangerous enough, why heighten the risk factor by riding like a dip ****?
I want to side with the rider here but damn...that was a really risky move to change lanes like that well entering an intersection which obviously ended up in a terrible situation. If you watch the video, you can see the SUV driver start to make the turn just as the rider is behind the truck. Had the rider not been there, the SUV driver could have easily made the turn well before the pickup and the other approaching vehicle entered the intersection. I would like to see how this plays out and who is going to be at fault.
Honestly, I think the rider is at fault in this one. Unsafe lane change, etc. I don't think the SUV driver could have seen the motorcycles from their point of view.

Follow the flow of traffic, people ...
Honestly, I think the rider is at fault in this one. Unsafe lane change, etc. I don't think the SUV driver could have seen the motorcycles from their point of view.

Follow the flow of traffic, people ...

Having finally gotten the chance to view the vid; I agree.
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