Vendee Globe and other sailing around the world

I was at a celebration of life today for Dennis Towes , friend , Olympic sailor, international championships , NA championships in multiple fleets , Canadian Olympic committee, and had photos of partying with the King of Norway and Princess Margaret. Speaker at the event was Paul Henderson ( not the hockey guy) , the former head of ISAF which became World Sailing and director sailing for the international Olympic committee. And from Toronto Island . We had a chance to speak after the event and I asked how he feels about foiling boats being considered for the Olympics , as long as it’s fair and promotes the sport he’s in , but he sure wouldn’t want to be a parent of a youth sailor trying to get into the game. We had a young lady at our club that was short listed for the Olympics ( the committee decided last minute to only send one athlete, she was second) and it was costing her Dad one hundred k a yr to keep her sailing at an elite level . It’s crazy .

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He finished two hours ago ( Toronto time) taking nine days off the record . He’s just waiting for high tide to head up the channel to the harbour . This is on generation two foils , and new research will include rudder foils to lift the back . Next time may be faster .

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We have SailGP tickets for June in NY. With the new generation T foils and hitting ninety’s in practice, bring on the carnage….

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Stumbled on this - very impressive restore

She was the Fastnet winner 100 years ago. (y)(y)

very impressive handling that solo.
I enjoyed that big time .....a universe away from the crazy going on in the world.
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I’ve been following his rebuild of that boat for years on you tube . Beyond his obvious ability to build a boat , he has changed the way presenters operate. Brilliant project management and a really compelling story . Lots of great stories about TallyHo .

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Unbelievable work!! Can only imagine what the cost was in materials or labor. Absolutely beautiful boat. I dont sail but I can really appreciate the time and effort in this project.
I can’t imagine the cost of either labour or materials and I’m pretty involved in the business these days . Seven yr rebuild , original build took about six months lol . But when every port had a wooden builder , materials were a long walk away , now you order from hundreds or thousands of miles away , and the labour pool is one percent ( maybe) of what it was one hundred yrs ago .

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