Vendee Globe and other sailing around the world

Dear God , please do not advocate for a helmet law , they are already trying to push a life jacket law in Canada . I’m a life long sailor , and accidents do happen , guy killed in Toronto last yr by a boom , but let’s not put a law in place because people do know enough to know why it’s called the “boom” .
Helmets in America cup and sail GP makes complete sense , they also carry twelve min scuba tanks inside the life jacket pocket , odds of falling from fifty ft in the air is highly probable.

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Not a law - a requirement by the race committees and given the history makes sense for the Hobart. They have other "requirements".
That 12 minute scuba tank is cool.
So two dead , man overboard but rescued , three dismastings, multiple blow out sails ( tens of thousands ea) . Sydney/ Hobart is delivering as promised.

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Interesting if you look at the video in the background , tied up is one of the other failed foilers . So now she’s needing a hundred £ mast , and still thousands of miles from home . Tough game .

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Hope her sponsors stay with her for the long haul....
Pip Hare has multiple sponsors for her 2024 Vendée Globe race, including:
  • Medallia
    The title sponsor of Hare's racing team. Medallia's technology helps Hare connect with her supporters and face new challenges.

  • JCS Hi-Torque
    A three-year sponsor of Hare's racing team that extends through the 2024 Vendée Globe race.

  • Aspen
    A bronze-level sponsor of Hare's racing team. Aspen's logo appears on Hare's boat, the Medallia.
Pip Hare and Team Medallia Have Big Plans for Vendee Globe
Hare has also faced challenges with funding, including her team's second-tier sponsors stepping back. Hare has said that sponsorship is more than just a logo on the boat, and that she's looking for a partner that shares her values
She's very personable.
Place winner in the last “around alone race” , American gal that is very media savvy and changed the whole race experience for sponsors by doing daily uploads of video . Very photogenic ( young cute ) and clever . Probably moving from her open forty to an Imoca . Excellent sailor , trouble shooter , media wiz and personality , she is the whole package.

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And petite...indeed the whole package for media ....giant grin too.

yowser...nice bod :sneaky:...needs that strength ....indeed one to watch...feisty girl big time.
It took NASA a while to wake up too.
Less body mass to feed, less food to carry. In the ultra mileage running the girls are pulling even or ahead.
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From the end of the Age of Sail to the moonlander....quite a journey of technology in a century

and just in sailing alone in the last decade
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Nothing happened in sail technology for six hundred years , and then everything happened .

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Well that may be an overstatement but not far off

Viking ships

Clipper ships

I guess the outrigger canoes were before that.....serious sailing without compass
read a good book on it.


For Four Years, This Polynesian Canoe Will Sail Around the World Raising Awareness of Global Climate Change​

Young guy that used to sail with me and taught sailing at our club summers going to Uni got a degree in mathematics, he now desingns sails for super yachts and wings for America Cup contenders, the wings on SailGP have more in common with airplanes wings than sails. My local sailmaker also does computer design modeling for several lofts in UK and Eastern Europe, the panels are cut somewhere on a CnC plotter and assembled where ever like a kit. Gone are the days of a guy with a huge flexible stick making plans on a floor hoping he gets the “magic” right . In computer modeling we can see the load paths and how moving a clew up or down six inches will change loads and angle of attack , how halyard tension will change point. It’s fascinating ( to me that is barely computer literate) .

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Races like the Hobart are having effects globally, just got notification for the Lake Ontario 300mile race , at least one crew member , hopefully two will have the Safety at Sea certification, all boats will carry a GPS beacon ( on constant) , life jackets required on the start line , and two VHF devises . Insurance carriers are getting twitchy .

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