Deciding vacations on what the destination country has/is currently doing domestically/internationally or otherwise...that dog don't hunt.
Your right to choose, but you would probably be hard pressed to find a worthy destination that hasn't done some shady business at one point in their modern history. e.g. Ukraine has not been kind to it's Russian speaking population...even though said Russo/Ukrainians they have done everything in their power to be a nuisance to the rest of Ukraine. And that's not my opinion, that's from my best friend who was born in Kyiv.
I do agree with
@PrivatePilot, Russia is best avoided simply because of the current domestic political situation. Sometimes you need to let things settle down a bit in the region before travelling safely makes sense. Hopefully 'it' will still be there when the situation moves on.
I think as long as the focus of the topic is centered on vacation and not geopolitics it's fine to merge the 2 conversations.