Mad Mike
Well-known member
This one puzzles me, while it's true, it's also a story created around a loaded headline....I see a real nasty trend in American media lately - the racial bias in covid infections
blacks and hispanics are far more likely to be infected and even more likely to die
this is going to be used by the radical right as another wedge issue to divide them
and there's no doubt it's going to whip up more Wall sentiment with the Red Hats
It's pretty easy to understand those in the lower socio-economic tiers of society will be more heavily impacted. As you move up the economic scale, so does ones access to resources -- and with better access you're going to see lower infection rates and better outcomes. Instead of saying "Blacks and Hispanics will face harsher outcomes" it would be more truthful and less of a loaded headline than "Lower and middle income earners will face harsher outcomes". A poor white family in a Mississippi trailer park will have the same outcomes as their Hispanic and Black neighbour, it will be grimmer than the Black, White and Hispanic families living in a rich suburban neighbourhood 2 miles away in Jackson.
Thankfully Canadian media don't play the race cards as heavily as the US media. If they did, we'd see similar tripe in our headlines.
Now, I do understand Black and Hispanics are marginalized in the USA -- the virus doesn't care.
Another headline maker followed by a lesson in US civics. First, the WI primary meant nothing -- there was no practical way Saunders could retake the lead with so many delegates already pledged to Biden. Remember those super delegates too (the ones who loaded the last Dem convention for Hillary?) -- they are in Biden's camp so no matter how many primaries go on from here they are basically irrelevant.the gamesmanship is being elevated to another level by the GOP - master manipulators
the Dem primary in Wisconsin the other day is an example
state is on an ordered lockdown and had tried to postpone the vote - Dem Governor
GOP appealed to state supreme court and won - vote had to go ahead
Governor tried to have the deadline for mail in ballots extended to allow people to vote from home
GOP challenged in US Supreme Court and won - no extension
so while there is a state ordered lockdown, and Trump is on TV telling people to stay home
Dem voters in Wisconsin had to go out and line up at polling stations because 2 Supreme Courts decided they had to
Onto civics -- the Republicans couldn't give a shi+ about the primary, they know it's meaningless. The real issue at stake is the ability to move and shake the way things operate when it comes to elections -- letting another party change the voting rules is a slippery slope and with electioneering already a greasy business allowing rule changes for a meaningless election opens a pretty big can of future worms.