I strongly recommend a "professional" degree as the first degree (Engineering, Architecture, Nursing, Accounting, etc.) otherwise your kid will spend a lot of money and time on something that will add little value to their livelihood (other than expanding their mind..). A professional degree IMO is any degree that leads to or is a requirement for certification in a specific field, and is required to work in that field. If he/she goes onto a second degree that is a professional degree like law, that solves the problem but many plan on doing it and after the first one they have had enough, now all they have is lib arts and a crappy job.
I recommend a hard discussion on what the degree leads to, how much it costs, what the jobs pay after graduation, return on investment type of stuff. The idea of all university degrees leading to big money is LONG gone. Something in demand, sure, otherwise forget it. Lots of people go the any degree route, realize they do not like flipping burgers then go back for some other degree or diploma trying to fix the problem, why not just go there in the first place?
For me, I went the college (Niagara) route for Engineering Technology. If I was to do it again I would have gone to university for Engineering instead. The college education was great BUT throughout my career not having the degree has held me back. I am a VP of Engineering now BUT the struggle to move up the food chain was just that much harder without the degree. I estimate the choice to do college instead of university has cost me about 300 to 400K so far in earnings (delayed promotion, lower pay for the same job, etc.), I am in my 40s.
I am going back to school part time to get the degree starting in September, not because I need it anymore just to prove a point to myself. If they choose the college route I recommend going to a school that has strong articulation agreements with universities which will make getting the degree afterwards much easier. I did not and it has been a real struggle getting into a decent university program with my college diploma (and getting at least some credit for my college credits). Most universities want me to start from scratch, if I went to a different college for exactly the same program they would have let me start in third or even fourth year!