I have been in the commercial transportation industry for over two decades now, I have worked for nonunion companies and I currently work for a union company. My life is exponentially better where I am now versus previous companies where I was treated like a piece of crap or just another number in their Rolodex, disposable at the push of a button and replaced by someone else with a pulse and a crayon. I also got sick of favoritism, i.e. the bosses newly hired son (who had no experience or time in the company) skimming all the gravy while long tendered faithful employees got handed **** instead.
Not all non union companies are like that and it would be wrong to suggest all are in general, but the bigger they are and the more power they feel they hold over their employees can breed this sort of behavior in the hands of bad management.
I have, as part of my job, being into both large nonunion facilities as well as large union facilities.
It's been both my gathered and personal opinions that employees at unionized workplaces are generally happier, enjoy fairer renumeration, are not easily abused by management or bad corporate culture (MOST importantly), and generally have a better standard of living.
Yes, the CEOs and upper management may have to do with one less luxury car, mansion, or exotic vacation as a result of their employees making a better living wage. Too bad. They still almost always do just fine regardless.
There are are no shortage of "All union employees are overpaid lazy dbags" opinions out there, but that's often a stereotype of people who are looking in from the outside and seldom based on facts. It's also been my observation that many of the same people who are amongst the biggest critics of unions tend to be amongst those who would benefit most by being part of one.
Not always, but sometimes. Again, not stereotyping the other side of things either.
And to be fair, a small sliver of unionized shops I have dealt with over the years did have legitimate problems with the union overstepping or overprotecting to the point of things becoming dysfunctional, but it IS rare. Unfortunately public perception is that it's normal, not rare.