I'm pretty sure unions are mostly responsible for the decline of the British car industry many decades ago. They definitely are not all equal and like everything the rotten apples get all the headlines.
they are supposedly there to protect the workers, yet reps continue to try and corner people in order to have a person on the inside when they try to turn a company and before a vote, often offering cash and other incentives if you are willing to be that person, and that's not hear say or speculation, that's personal experience.
the idea of a union being there to protect a worker is great, and if that would have been their true purpose i'd be the first to join
I worked with a union for years and never, ever saw this happen. Cash to sway a vote? That's a textbook union-buster lie. Any organizer knows that offering to pay members to sway a vote would have the whole organizing vote annulled by the Labour Board. Unions rarely organize unless they are approached first by an employee willing to get cards signed. As for what you get for voting for a union, on average union companies offer better pay and better working conditions than non-union companies:
Union employees remain at their jobs longer than non-union employees. In spite of the union-buster fantasy, unions legally must, and really do stick up for their employees. Unions do have to keep the dues rolling in to pay for their costs. They are always fighting cases before the labour board. In some cases the union has dropped the ball and in other cases they have simply not put for the the effort to defend indefensible employees with a bad attitude. On the whole however, they are successful at protecting employees from hostile management. In the private sector unions are in steep decline simply because competition from lawyers, better labor laws, bad publicity and subcontracted labour has put extreme pressure on them.
Not only that but we also pick up the tab for health care costs associated with pizza and whatever happens in hotel rooms. I'm not seeing an up side.
I don't have or haven't thought of an answer for your quiz but staying with the not attacking just wondering format, it appears to me that the taxpayer is the employer and the workers/work are/is managed by other people on the taxpayers/employers behalf. Moving beyond the bloody obvious I'd like to know about the conflicts of interest associated with somebody else negotiating contracts on my behalf. I think it stinks.
Yes, see bold, that explains it nicely.
People are veering off (understandably)
Private companies can do what they want. it is NOT TAXPAYERS $$$
As inreb states, the company belongs to the taxpayers, we hired and paid you based on x therefore how does someone come and setup shop INSIDE the taxpayers company to buffer/undermine what the taxpayer owned company set forth.
As for why a car company failed, don't blame the workers...it was the executives that decided to greenlight ugly cars that the market did not want to buy...the workers just put together their bad ideas.
back on track, unions can form where ever there are workers, the workers can either form their own union, or join an existing one
what allows us to just start our company within a company that hired us?
That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works.ok let me try it this way
you, me and 100 other ppl work for taxpayers inc. a govt. corp where we review paperwork.
now you and I decide to create a union with the other 100 workers and present demands if not we lock up all the paperwork or hide them until we negotiate
what allows us to just start our company within a company that hired us?
Labour Unions in Canada are organizations that represent Canadian workers in their negotiations with employers. Labour unions engage in collective bargaining with employers to determine issues such as wages, the terms and conditions of work, and worker security.
you are not forming a company within a company, you are forming a worker union within a company, weather its government owned or not makes no difference
but let's remember that money is involved for the union members to be in the union for the company they are already employed by
but let's remember that money is involved for the union members to be in the union for the company they are already employed by
its an association, a 'club'. Its not a business. Altougth many unions control vast amounts of money and investments and top union officers draw very good wages, not a business within a business.
Unions were very nessesary at a point in history, its possible the best before date has come and gone, but thats a whole other discussion.