I would also let someone beat the $hit out of me for $20M
Are there any real matches anymore?Disappointing, fixed.
All sports seem to really suck now. Nfl is a joke, hockey has so many delays with reviews, f1 and moto gp are computers, blah blah. I like the cfl, grey cup this sunday! Still very exciting with the twist and turns the games take!Are there any real matches anymore?
Or more correctly…if Jake Paul wanted to ACTUALLY box and REALLY be taken seriously he would fight against guys his age, in his weight division.
Not out of shape, worn out, beaten down boxers of old.
You can even see the first hit Tyson got in that JP was stunned.
I’m not a fan of his but there was no way to win.
Either beat a grandpa, or get beaten by a grandpa…
He’s a showman, an entertainer, and regardless of him as a person, he’s damn good at it.
Don King nuff said.Maybe this time Mike can keep some of the millions and have a good life . He has made 100million in his career and blown through most of it on silly gangsta stuff ,
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By all metrics she did.I honestly thought Serrano would take the title.
Lot more shots that landed in my opening and was pretty aggressive!
That gash was nasty as hell...
I watched the highlights and it was sad in multiple ways. Tyson should have had enough coin to be able to live a decent life without the circus freak shows. Hopefully his purse keeps him supplied with whatever keeps him jolly.Maybe this time Mike can keep some of the millions and have a good life . He has made 100million in his career and blown through most of it on silly gangsta stuff ,
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Tyson should have had enough coin to be able to live a decent life without the circus freak shows. Hopefully his purse keeps him supplied with whatever keeps him jolly.
The list of celebrities that died in poor circumstances is long. While they had talents appealing to the public, a bit of grade four math with a touch of common sense would have gone a long way.I suspect he himself was not only bad with money, but he was surrounded by others who also spent his money poorly on his behalf. Look at how the Colonel sapped Elvis dry, for example.
There's a very long list of rich / famous people being swindled by those closest to them.I suspect he himself was not only bad with money, but he was surrounded by others who also spent his money poorly on his behalf. Look at how the Colonel sapped Elvis dry, for example.
I saw a clip from some rapper (maybe fat Joe?) who was flying private a lot. Want a sandwich, take the plane. Concert, take the plane. And on and on. Charter operator put him on monthly billing. First month was $600k. Big wakeup call. Pay the bill and stop flying private. Good for him for learning his lesson quickly.There's a very long list of rich / famous people being swindled by those closest to them.
Just off the top: Leonard Cohen, Stan Lee, Tyson.
Here's some more:
10 Celebrities Who Got Scammed For Huge Money in 2024: Billy Joel & Robert de Niro Lost Millions - Financesonline.com
Many people look up to their favorite celebrities for inspiration, hope, and direction. However, celebrities are human and like us ordinary people, are vulnerable one way or another. Celebrities are not at stupid, at least not all of them. But sometimes, they can be too trusting and that often...financesonline.com
There are many more that died broke because of their own inability to control their lifestyle when famous, let alone maintaining it when work dries up for whatever reason.
I know a number of people that went bankrupt but only one that learned the lesson.I saw a clip from some rapper (maybe fat Joe?) who was flying private a lot. Want a sandwich, take the plane. Concert, take the plane. And on and on. Charter operator put him on monthly billing. First month was $600k. Big wakeup call. Pay the bill and stop flying private. Good for him for learning his lesson quickly.
If we had to permanently stop work tomorrow, we'd sell the house and move to a small house in the boonies and be ok. Barring a significant cash injection (eg inheritance or life insurance), the cashflow math doesn't work. Money for retirement needs to grow more before draws start (selling house would free up a bunch of cash that could be invested in something that pays monthly).To be somewhat fair...
Many realize that they don't have the acumen to mange their own money only to be ripped off by the person they trusted.
Others spend like they are going to keep making what they made today tomorrow only to find out their career ends up being much shorter than expected. On this one I am sure many of us spend like we are going to keep making what we make today and don't put as much away as we could, even if totally living within out means. Someone that makes much less (or our past selves) may look at our numbers and think if I made that I would have money for life, it is all context. If our careers were cut short today, would we have enough saved to cost out until the end? We think well if I made $XX M for a couple years I would be set for life, to someone else they think if I made $XXX K for a couple years I will be set for life....
On the last point though, pro athletes should know it is finite but may be YOLOing thinking there will be more years... Musicians and actors career lifespan is more variable.
In music country and western fans are longer term. The Rolling Stones are an exception in rock. In sports the active ranges tend to be a decade or two, or the first major injury. Golf is one exception.If we had to permanently stop work tomorrow, we'd sell the house and move to a small house in the boonies and be ok. Barring a significant cash injection (eg inheritance or life insurance), the cashflow math doesn't work. Money for retirement needs to grow more before draws start (selling house would free up a bunch of cash that could be invested in something that pays monthly).
As for high earners yoloing, assuming they can find a single trusted advisor to lock up 10-20% of gross before they can blow it, even with a relatively short career, they can be ok. Maybe not never work again ok but able to get a normal job and have a comfortable life with normal income plus investment income from their big money days. Finding that trusted advisor that doesn't screw you seems to be the hard part.