TV shows currently watching

"Law & Order Toronto: Criminal Intent" - This show isn't based on real events or people.
Also "Law & Order Toronto: Criminal Intent" - Let's base episodes on Gerald Cotten, Jian Ghomeshi, the St. Michael's College hazing scandal, the bread price fixing scandal...
can't imagine the amount of work that went into this...
and still don't know how some shots are achieved
wonky TCL is working okay at the moment after a few minutes warm up

Pretty decent German thriller
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3 episodes in, I'm hooked!
Well I have to say, this show is overall pretty decent. Some of the ideas mid season were kinda ehhhh but they brought me back over.

Few more to go and I'm looking forward to the end.
Watched it when it first came out but too long between seasons. There are 6 seasons now so time for a rewatch binge.
Sam Neill was well known of course but Cillian Murphy was now. 🍿
Came across this compendium of Disney+ offerings in case you are considering buying in.
Decent info on each.
Could not stand The Bear, not sure what you all are finding interesting here. It's very over dramatic for a sandwich shop and a bunch of dumb personalities bickering about nonsense. Meh.
Just watched the first 2 episodes of Dark Matter... it's really good so far after a slow start in the first episode.

interesting and fast paced
interesting and fast paced
Follows the formula pretty well, though without the in-court stuff. I was most interested in seeing how they portrayed that part of our system, though recognizing what actual incidents the shows were "most definitely not based on" is a good game :ROFLMAO:
not grabbing me yet but reviews are very good
Yeah I ditched after ep1, the whole person swap thing was a weak premise.
Just because people look identical doesn't mean they are.
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