Turbans vs Helmets

I'm with nakkers as well, live and let live, who cares if some goober wants to fly softshell? The sticking point is the encroachment this request represents in light of this country's fine citizenry getting railroaded on every front. When is enough enough already? We have to push back on principal alone. I know I'm doing my part. Will be posting in this thread every hour on the hour or more if needed.
I really don't care. If a Sikh wants to ride a bike with their turban, so be it.

No helmet? Fine by me.

Won't there be bigger payouts from insurances to those that get into accidents in turban and suffer bigger harm ?
In turn this will make insurances raise for everyone else so that insurances can get their money back ? (just speculating)
Some well oiled actuary will need sharpen his pencil to make the necessary adjustment. I'm afraid of OHIP tho.
Won't there be bigger payouts from insurances to those that get into accidents in turban and suffer bigger harm ?
In turn this will make insurances raise for everyone else so that insurances can get their money back ? (just speculating)

That's what would scare me most about this. I know the insurance companies can't discriminate based on religion, however can they not simply ask "will you be wearing a helmet every time you ride?" If the answer is no, blammo! You're hit with a massive surcharge. They set rates based on other driving habits (such as how many tickets you've had), so why not based on whether or not you'll be wearing a helmet? Let them cover their own increased pay-outs.
Imagine the huge number of Sikh riders crashing with head injuries!!

The cost to tax payers and health care must be astronomical!!!!!

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Insurance could actually be cheaper for Sikh riders then when there is a crash and you aren't wearing a helmet your chance of death is higher. Dead people are cheap to bury compared to a lifetime of medical bills.

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That's what would scare me most about this. I know the insurance companies can't discriminate based on religion, however can they not simply ask "will you be wearing a helmet every time you ride?" If the answer is no, blammo! You're hit with a massive surcharge. They set rates based on other driving habits (such as how many tickets you've had), so why not based on whether or not you'll be wearing a helmet? Let them cover their own increased pay-outs.

Thing is, there's no surcharge large enough to cover the cost of caring for some brain-injured yob that crashed into a dump truck while wearing a turban instead of an Arai.
I'm not happy with anybody pulling the religion card, but my religion has no special hats or pants. I think turban guy should spend his efforts on bigger picture problems, not ways to leave his fellow Sikhs as vegetables following a pavement vs orange dacron moment.
I guess he never passed by the huge watermelon/helmet add on billboards, explains things in a split of a second :)
Your bike insurance is to (mostly) cover damage to others or the bike, not your head

Head, neck/spinal/brain injuries are the most expensive to treat and manage over a long period of time.
One law for all. If I have to wear a helmet, everyone's got to wear a helmet. We can not be playing silly bugger with the laws based on some sort of religious preference. If Sikhs don't want to wear a helmet they should think about another method of transportation or lobby the government to eliminate the obligation for all to wear helmets.
And anarchy ensues.

What's with all the outrage folks? Big deal. They wear a turban. They wear a dagger.

In regards to Sikhs in general, I'm more afraid of of fringe belief systems from Christianity or Muslim.

They went to court, got a ruling to wear their turban etc.

I'm more worried about riders that can't afford insurance and decide to ride without.

Or just idiots in general.

This isn't end of the world issues.

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That's what would scare me most about this. I know the insurance companies can't discriminate based on religion, however can they not simply ask "will you be wearing a helmet every time you ride?" If the answer is no, blammo! You're hit with a massive surcharge. They set rates based on other driving habits (such as how many tickets you've had), so why not based on whether or not you'll be wearing a helmet? Let them cover their own increased pay-outs.

Continued use of common sense will get you banned or ridiculed, possibly deported.
Keep in mind this has been floated once (by the same politician) and shot down. I don't expect it to go through this time either but the PCs pandering to this minority by supporting the bill, you never know...
Naaah .... This one must stay. Helmet is mandatory, since we have OHIP in place, we all pay for stupidity of others. If we were not, do what you want, I don't care one way or another.
It will effect everyone
1 they r the biggest scammers in the insurance industry, that's why our rate goes up every year
2 our tax money cover the hospitals and guess what
they already filling up the hospitals in thier community with headache and a running nose imagine if they get involved and in a bike accident
Forget about the extra strain on the health care system it could have if they crash without a helmet and think of the medics who are going to be the ones having to respond to heads cracked open. My brothers with Toronto EMS and I know he sometimes sees horrible stuff, so why make it worse and 'cause them more PTSD by seeing guys brains splattered on the pavement with a rag that was supposed to "protect" them. Having a rider ride without a helmet and crash doesn't just affect them, it affects a whole slew of other people who's lives don't need that.
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