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Just whip your cock out, and place it on her shoulder. Tell her next time this will end up in her mouth.
Just saying. Or is that going to far .. gawd i never can tell.
If she's on her way out and doesn't have any real credibility with your boss, then I'd leave it alone. Save the emails in case you need them, and just ignore her. If you play it cool it'll make her look even more looney.
This is what I would recommend.
I would also consider making a log of the events aside from the emails.
You and your company may need them in the future - keep a hard copy of everything and file it away. - toss it 2 years later.
She's just been hypercritical of everything I do. A week ago she accused me of several things which blatantly weren't true, I found the relevant e-mails that proved my side of things and forwarded them to her with a short explanation and I didn't even receive an apology. I'm thinking she has some kind of psychotic behaviour problem.
Should I be the better person and just ignore her completely or is it time to call the union and ask for libel charges to be brought etc?