Tory takes aim at noisy motorcycles

Tell that to all the diesel pickup truck owners that are getting nailed.
... I promise not to laugh and say I told you so 'when' it starts happening to motorcycles.

maybe it's 613 thing - I know that it's not
but the young lads with the diesels and the tune-****

love to roll through town and puke out massive carbon plumes
usually when they see a car with the window open

open-carry states would have an appropriate reply for this foolery
I said it before and I'll say it again, just ban everything at once and become a total and undisputed nanny state, take away all the freedoms, rights, privileges, fun things, dangerous things, ban it all so we can all be nice and safe little citizens with our government mommy and daddy making sure we are all tucked in at night and safe.

This is the direction we're going in anyways in todays society, so why not speed it up.

P.S Motorcycles are dangerous as it is anyways, so why not just ban em and save countless lives and some tax payer dollars for medical as well (due to accidents). We don't need bikes anyways, it's a cold climate here. :rolleyes:

What happens when your “freedom” impinges on someone else’s?

This is just a version of an anti-antisocial behaviour law.
Do Not put that guy in charge of pushing the big red button that launches the missiles.
What happens when your “freedom” impinges on someone else’s?

This is just a version of an anti-antisocial behaviour law.
What constitutes freedom impinging on someone else though?
Just looking at "noise". One could argue the Go-train, construction or airplanes impinge on their right to a quiet environment. Some might respond that those three are required by law only during certain times. But what about people who work nights and sleep during the day? F-them?
He is right. Might as well just ban everything.

I am all for having some sort of set fine if a bike fails a fair and scientific test.
Scientific so that its not left up to an officers discretion.
Fair such that if X bike is deemed to fail then no other stock vehicle (of any class) currently federally approved for sale in Canada can have a higher sound level.
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But aren't there laws in place already for this stuff. I remember years ago all the civics with annoying exhausts then the city did something with the laws etc and the next year they were pretty much gone.
Bylaws perhaps.
What constitutes freedom impinging on someone else though?
Just looking at "noise". One could argue the Go-train, construction or airplanes impinge on their right to a quiet environment. Some might respond that those three are required by law only during certain times. But what about people who work nights and sleep during the day? F-them?
He is right. Might as well just ban everything.
You have to draw a lines sometimes. Trains, planes, highway noise are all things you can avoid by choice -- just don't live near a track of flight path. They are also sensible for the application, planes and trains are as quiet as they can be made, as are production cars and motorcycles.

Modifications that do little more than create noise are unnecessary, they create unnecessary disturbances. Wiring your car horn in the ON state is an example, how would you like that sound going by your house all day long? Same thing for fart-cans and gutted pipes.
Funny how the press conference was in Yorkville . It is easy to see who pulls the strings in city hall .
Yorkville was ground zero for performance cars 'showing off' , and its a rediculouly expensive neighborhood that lead the noise protest. Where else would you hold the press conference?
Thats how politics works
What happens when your “freedom” impinges on someone else’s?

This is just a version of an anti-antisocial behaviour law.

You drive a car or take public transportation? Your freedom to do so infringes on my freedom to breathe fresh and non polluted air. Therefore its common sense to ban your mode of transportation so I can have my freedom to breathe fresh air.

Therefore like I said earlier, let's ban everything.
You drive a car or take public transportation? Your freedom to do so infringes on my freedom to breathe fresh and non polluted air. Therefore its common sense to ban your mode of transportation so I can have my freedom to breathe fresh air.

Therefore like I said earlier, let's ban everything.

Including Politicians?
I just really don't give a rats *** to be quite honest. Sept 1st 2019 Tory rolls out on a straight piped Harley that's loud AF...just wait :ROFLMAO:
You drive a car or take public transportation? Your freedom to do so infringes on my freedom to breathe fresh and non polluted air. Therefore its common sense to ban your mode of transportation so I can have my freedom to breathe fresh air.

Therefore like I said earlier, let's ban everything.

Sorry, you know that doesn’t fly and it’s a poor argument. Transport is necessary for a society to exist. You can also see why that doesn’t fly when you wonder why large fences or solid structures are often built alongside the sides of highways where housing is nearby. You can try to wiggle out of this but it boils down to one side wanting to make noise for selfish reasons and the other wanting a relatively peaceful life.
I hope the fine starts at $1000. Double it for the 2nd offense. Then confiscation after strike three! Since its just a bylaw maybe they can leave it to the enforcement officers discretion as what if too loud!. They can also make the ticket inconvenient to fight, as they do now with parking tickets.
I hope the fine starts at $1000. Double it for the 2nd offense. Then confiscation after strike three! Since its just a bylaw maybe they can leave it to the enforcement officers discretion as what if too loud!. They can also make the ticket inconvenient to fight, as they do now with parking tickets.
Leave it up to the officers discretion? $1000 fine based on how someones mood is that day? What kind of pathetic bs is that?
I hope your riding along minding your own business with your OEM exhaust when some young bully officer decides it isnt OEM and gives you a $1000 ticket for it.
Maybe youll get a nice stunt driving charge while we're at it for good measure.
See how fast you rethink what you wrote.
The police already have too much power at the side of the road.
They can literally ruin your life and cripple you financially and you have no recourse. It has happened and will continue to happen with the "stunt driving" charge.

Property seized at the officers discretion? Because they deem your exhaust too loud :rolleyes:. That's for a court to decide. Be careful what you wish for.
Electrified vehicles can’t come soon enough and put this issue to bed.

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I hope the fine starts at $1000. Double it for the 2nd offense. Then confiscation after strike three! Since its just a bylaw maybe they can leave it to the enforcement officers discretion as what if too loud!. They can also make the ticket inconvenient to fight, as they do now with parking tickets.

I am willing to bet you're just joking around and are not serious, because it's hard to believe anyone can be such an ******* and idiot at the same time.
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