To sellers of Bikes

Selling a bike is a huge hassle in TO, at least for me. I had one guy this summer come to see my VFR, sat on it with his wife on the back and asked me to take a pic of them. Afterwards, after looking at the pic on his phone decided his position on the bike is too forward and he's not buying the bike. This guy was in his 40's. A total moron. Complete waste of time.

That's the one of the reasons when i'm selling a bike i always try to make it most convenient for myself. Too many idiots wasting my time.
I had an ad with a link to my blog with a post regarding my experiences with the bike, why I'm selling it, and the times I dropped it, ending with my primary email. I received only 1 email on that account and god knows how many on the other asking for lower prices. The one guy who emailed me bought the bike.
Has anyone ever 'agreed' to sell something stupidly cheap and then given the wrong address just to waste the person that's lowballing's time? I've thought about giving the address down the street then watching through the window and giggling my butt off. Yeah it's a ****** thing to do, but it would teach them a lesson.
Lot's of people buy bikes from people looking for a fast sale just to flip them because they have the money and space to store it until the right buyer comes along. It's the nature of doing business that some people are going to try and get a deal. Don't take it so personally.
I find emailing people about track bikes gets me NO/few responses, especially if I ask whether they have ownership... even when I state I dont care if its salvage or not road worthy.
I find emailing people about track bikes gets me NO/few responses, especially if I ask whether they have ownership... even when I state I dont care if its salvage or not road worthy.

Just cuz of the nature of track bikes, i think salvage or titled is the worry. Easy way to use a stolen bike.
Just cuz of the nature of track bikes, i think salvage or titled is the worry. Easy way to use a stolen bike.

Before I bought my 1000 a couple years ago I went and had a look at a lot of track bikes and some had VERY obvious grind marks where the vin "should"" have been. Suffice to say I stayed the hell away from them LOL Having the same issue now looking for a 600. Thinking about getting a bike off the wera boards but the hassle of bringing it into Canada is just too much.
if its a track bike, you can import it as a parts-only bike. Be aware you will never be able to use it on a public road in ontario.
if its a track bike, you can import it as a parts-only bike. Be aware you will never be able to use it on a public road in ontario.

Dont I have to do all the ownership transfer etc and let US customs know its leaving the country etc? Id never use it on road, would I just have to pay hst or extra fees?
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