To be masked or not to be masked

I once had a debate online with a guy who claimed to be a "virologist." He stated that vaccines were essentially useless and then cited an incident in which there was a measles outbreak in a town, in Quebec, where the vaccination rate was 100%. Something like 30 people got measles. If the vaccine efficacy rate is 80-90% for measles and out of a town with thousands of residents there were only 30 who caught it, that's a win in my books. His position was that the vaccine did nothing. Even if he was a virologist, he must have failed high school remedial math.
I once had a debate online with a guy who claimed to be a "virologist." He stated that vaccines were essentially useless and then cited an incident in which there was a measles outbreak in a town, in Quebec, where the vaccination rate was 100%. Something like 30 people got measles. If the vaccine efficacy rate is 80-90% for measles and out of a town with thousands of residents there were only 30 who caught it, that's a win in my books. His position was that the vaccine did nothing. Even if he was a virologist, he must have failed high school remedial math.
The biggest differentiator in this mess seems to be people that understand statistics vs black/white. Nothing is 100% so they argue that it is zero.
The biggest differentiator in this mess seems to be people that understand statistics vs black/white. Nothing is 100% so they argue that it is zero.
If someone presents number without context, then they are trying to lie to you. Mislead, at the very least. "Fatal accidents of <X Type> are up 50% this year over last! Something must be done!!!" If the number of <X Type> accidents was 2 last year and is 3 this year, in a population of some millions, then it likely isn't a real cause for concern.
Just in case anyone is wondering. I don't delete posts like the one that fired this thread up again because it's posts like that one that make the factual ones even more relevant.
If someone presents number without context, then they are trying to lie to you. Mislead, at the very least. "Fatal accidents of <X Type> are up 50% this year over last! Something must be done!!!" If the number of <X Type> accidents was 2 last year and is 3 this year, in a population of some millions, then it likely isn't a real cause for concern.
Logic: When I turned two my age had doubled in the previous year. When I turned eleven my age had only gone up 10% in the previous year. Therefore I will eventually stop growing old.

In early seat belt opposition people were afraid of being trapped in a burning car. In reality, most of the car crashes we see are in movies / TV where it is mandatory to have fireballs of special effects. With real car crashes (Ford Pintos excluded) fires are extremely rare.

Also the seat belt keeps you from knocking yourself unconscious on the dashboard so you can get out of the rare burning wreck.

My wife's sister's husband's friend is allergic to the carrier used in the vaccine and goes into shock. I got shot (Pfizer) five the day before yesterday and the only pain was pulling off the bandaid the next day.

Arguing about Covid vaccine risks on a morbidcycle forum seems oxymoronic.
Logic: When I turned two my age had doubled in the previous year. When I turned eleven my age had only gone up 10% in the previous year. Therefore I will eventually stop growing old.

In early seat belt opposition people were afraid of being trapped in a burning car. In reality, most of the car crashes we see are in movies / TV where it is mandatory to have fireballs of special effects. With real car crashes (Ford Pintos excluded) fires are extremely rare.

Also the seat belt keeps you from knocking yourself unconscious on the dashboard so you can get out of the rare burning wreck.

My wife's sister's husband's friend is allergic to the carrier used in the vaccine and goes into shock. I got shot (Pfizer) five the day before yesterday and the only pain was pulling off the bandaid the next day.

Arguing about Covid vaccine risks on a morbidcycle forum seems oxymoronic.
I know several people who have died in motorcycle crashes. I have one degree of separation from people who have died of Covid. I know of literally no one, by name, who has died as a result of receiving any vaccine. Still, anecdotal evidence is worth exactly how much the study it's in cost.
Also a major factor is the covid variant in play now and evolving is far different than the original strain.
When I arrived in Queensland in Jan 2021 there were 7 deaths for the entire 5 million pop until Dec 2021 which was astonishing.
Last Jan 2022 Omicron hit and it is now 2317 deaths on 5 million pop since day one

Ontario 15,176 on 14.5 million since day one

That difference not just "one of those things". :coffee:
Geeez dude why you so angry, you should learn to relax and not stress so much.
Also get in tune with reality, i don't care what scientific name you put on it, any man made potion you put in your body is a toxin.
Everyone is allowed an opinion, and calling people names and trying to belittle them doesn't help any discussion.
You can't force people to see your point of you the louder you yell.
But then again, Russia invading Ukraine is probably OK with you. (Example don''t flip out)
Just when i thought i've seen it all...
Logic: When I turned two my age had doubled in the previous year. When I turned eleven my age had only gone up 10% in the previous year.

And summers were shorter.
Geeez dude why you so angry, you should learn to relax and not stress so much.
Also get in tune with reality, i don't care what scientific name you put on it, any man made potion you put in your body is a toxin.
Everyone is allowed an opinion, and calling people names and trying to belittle them doesn't help any discussion.
You can't force people to see your point of you the louder you yell.
But then again, Russia invading Ukraine is probably OK with you. (Example don''t flip out)

Opinions are fine. Uninformed naive opinions that lead to actions that don’t help with overcrowded hospitals and postponed medical procedures are dangerous.
I know I'll get flack for this

I don't care anymore. I'm done with listening to people only to find out they've been talking out of the sides of their mouths. Tam sitting on her hands till it was too late then coming in hard. Trudeau hiding out at Rideau Hall telling people to social distance then seeing a photo op on the news two days later of him kneeling shoulder to shoulder at a protest, Unmasked at a fundraiser in an overcapacity hall. Going to Harrington Lake in QC when the ON/QC border was closed. Catching Covid from his wife, who caught it at a gala in London (UK). MPP/Finance Minister Rod Phillips having his office tweet out photos to make it appear he was working in his constituency while he was actually in the Caribbean during a travel ban/stay at home order. The billionaire CEO/owner of U-Line allowed to have a FIFO meeting at her Canadian office in Toronto when there was a mandatory 14 day quarantine . And now Moore's latest gaff, then backpedalling and saying lying that what he meant was to use your discretion. I wore a mask yesterday to get my flu shot (mandatory). I wear a mask when I'm at the hospital to see my ortho (mandatory). The grocery store? No. I've tuned you all out, and it's your own damn fault(s).
In the last few years, I've learned that COVID sucks big-time and can have long lasting breathing effects. And I've learned that the people higher on the ladder than me are not necessarily smarter than me.
Shots... Ok. Masks... Ok.
In the last few years, I've learned that COVID sucks big-time and can have long lasting breathing effects. And I've learned that the people higher on the ladder than me are not necessarily smarter than me.
Shots... Ok. Masks... Ok.

Not just breathing. As I posted somewhere else. Buddy whose perfectly fit and eats healthy, anti vaccine, still doesn’t have his sense of smell or taste back after the better part of a year.
Not just breathing. As I posted somewhere else. Buddy whose perfectly fit and eats healthy, anti vaccine, still doesn’t have his sense of smell or taste back after the better part of a year.

worth repeating at this point that those effects are neurological….it’s very worth repeating it when some dumbass says “but it’s just like the flu”.
Not just breathing. As I posted somewhere else. Buddy whose perfectly fit and eats healthy, anti vaccine, still doesn’t have his sense of smell or taste back after the better part of a year.
Does a person lose weight when everything tastes like cream of wheat. I've never asked for a second helping of cream of wheat.
Nature of the Beast for people to want to tell others what to do, to have hidden agenda's that benefit them and their in crowd.
For influencers to sway the herd. It started when we were kids and moves onward into so called adult hood.
In fact socially we never left high school and these so called experts are only what they are because society gave them a title.
Any or all of these people are guessing at what's best. No one will ever know for sure (test results are not fact)
Be a strong individual and do what you think is in your own best interests, based on your own situation.
Remember its a so called FREE country and no one has the right to F#$$ with your life but you.
Be healthy in your own mind and body and you wont have to worry about the issues.
Society has become 10 ply and its sickening to watch all the BS that goes on.
Are you suggesting survival of the fittest is a thing?
I've been a strong supporter of masking, partly because I dont want to get sick (selfish) partly because I figured this small inconvenience to me is a benefit to society (benevolent).

But I sometimes catch myself doing a little critical thinking. And I'm not sure scientist's got this right for a large section of society.

At the present time, children's hospitals are overwhelmed by RSV, children on ventilators are dying, critically sick children are not being admitted and at risk of dying because ICUs are full. Scientists are telling us it's surging because masks and lockdowns supressed RSV in young children so the rate of infection and resulting immunity backlogged for 2 years. These are not kids just with complicated medical co-morbidities... mostly healthy kids.

Now, we always knew healthy kids were at near zero risk from covid, but the experts locked them fown and required masking for about 2 years.

Haven't seen a the experts stand up and take responsibility for this situation - even as it becomes increasingly clear as to why it is happening.

I never follow rules blindly. But I'm not as sure as I once was that the experts are as expert as they want me to believe. If I had a child on a vent with RSV, I'd carry a lot of doubt.
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