Tinder App

Pro-Tip: let them buy everything while you secretly put money a side. Then when things take a turn for the worst let them have all the outdated **** and peace out with some bank. ?

P.S. I'm evil and give horrible advice.

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In a marital split, it may be 'yours' but you will be paying to keep it; with common law you are not required to share anything, including increase in value for anything you brought to the party


That's not quite accurate. One party can make a title claim as well as a run for alimony.
e.g. you have been together for 5+ years and you have kids, present yourself as a family...even though let's say the house is in one person's name yet the other person paid into the house etc... they can make a title claim in Ontario but I think all the other provinces (except Nova Scotia I think is like Ontario) property is divided equally in common law as well.
That's not quite accurate. One party can make a title claim as well as a run for alimony.
e.g. you have been together for 5+ years and you have kids, present yourself as a family...even though let's say the house is in one person's name yet the other person paid into the house etc... they can make a title claim in Ontario but I think all the other provinces (except Nova Scotia I think is like Ontario) property is divided equally in common law as well.


From what I've read in the article above, in certain circumstance, a claim can be made for some part if say the homeowner quit their job and the spouse payed the mortgage for years, thus 'enriching' the homeowners life, but title, I don't think so. For example, If a spouse is taking the kids in a marital situation, they may be awarded the right to stay in the home which they do not have title to, but in common law they have no claim, regardless... I dunno, either way, common law is still the way to go
Pro-Tip: let them buy everything while you secretly put money a side. Then when things take a turn for the worst let them have all the outdated **** and peace out with some bank. 

P.S. I'm evil and give horrible advice.

Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk

The other dooshee thing to do is line up a new guy (monkey branch) before the old guy even has any idea you're unhappy and fixing to leave. This could take a year or two. Whatever it takes. It's a jungle out there. I've been the prospective new guy a few times. Job, home owner and sober is pretty much all it takes. No thanks, I like my toys, money, dignity and sanity.

Years ago a buddy of mine charged his live in girlfriend a nominal monthly fee to help "cover expenses". As expected, the relationship eventually collapsed under a heavy load of drama. So she made some noises about common law cashing out. Well, what he had done (he's Jewish) is open a bank savings account and made monthly deposits in the exact amount she paid monthly. He showed her the pass book and said "you were a boarder and here's the proof". No common law for you. Goodbye.
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The other dooshee thing to do is line up a new guy (monkey branch) before the old guy even has any idea you're unhappy and fixing to leave. This could take a year or two. Whatever it takes. It's a jungle out there. I've been the prospective new guy a few times. Job, home owner and sober is pretty much all it takes. No thanks, I like my toys, money, dignity and sanity.
I think that's a tad bit worse...I can't even.

Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
I think that's a tad bit worse...I can't even.

Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk

I'm given to understand it's very common. I think under certain circumstances it might be justified. You have to exercise what ever strategies are available to you. Some guys are so thick in the head they have no idea how resented they are by their women. Lots of times for good reason.
The other dooshee thing to do is line up a new guy (monkey branch) before the old guy even has any idea you're unhappy and fixing to leave. This could take a year or two. Whatever it takes. It's a jungle out there. I've been the prospective new guy a few times. Job, home owner and sober is pretty much all it takes. No thanks, I like my toys, money, dignity and sanity.

Years ago a buddy of mine charged his live in girlfriend a nominal monthly fee to help "cover expenses". As expected, the relationship eventually collapsed under a heavy load of drama. So she made some noises about common law cashing out. Well, what he had done (he's Jewish) is open a bank savings account and made monthly deposits in the exact amount she paid monthly. He showed her the pass book and said "you were a boarder and here's the proof". No common law for you. Goodbye.
When it comes to money I can certainly learn a thing or two from the Jews
I've been living common-law for 20 years. We have 2 kids.
Somebody remind me when she's supposed to leave?

Sent from my Le Pan TC802A using Tapatalk
I've been living common-law for 20 years. We have 2 kids.
Somebody remind me when she's supposed to leave?

Sent from my Le Pan TC802A using Tapatalk
She hasn't met me yet ?

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
She hasn't met me yet ?

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
Sorry, she likes her men with legs.

Sent from my Le Pan TC802A using Tapatalk
How about with ZZ tops?
How Not To Text Women .. ladies, if you have any funny tinder convos, upload. youd be doing guys on here a favour :) my Ducati sent me this and i had to share it . he should of read my guide on how to loll



general manager. 40k salary. underpaid And underf**ked
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Those screen caps look a lot like your original post as ep1x (which you conveniently deleted).
Prince of Fungi?
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Message I got from POF once. He really knows how to approach women

Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
At least he blanked out pussy.

At the end of the day it's a hookup app, what do you expect. If you want someone classier you'll probably find them on dating apps.

Sent from my SM-G530W using Tapatalk
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