Tinder App

I'm starting to slowly realise that me and this girl have zero in common besides liking to bang. Kind of a shame, she seems really nice and is cute. Will give it a bit more time but I dunno. Starting to have doubts.
You say that with such disdain...
You say that with such disdain...

I partially retract my statement........like I said. I will give it more time. I really shouldn't be making any judgement calls after pretty much knowing her for 1 week. How is your **** going man? Still hanging out with same girl or onto the next?
I partially retract my statement........like I said. I will give it more time. I really shouldn't be making any judgement calls after pretty much knowing her for 1 week. How is your **** going man? Still hanging out with same girl or onto the next?
Still talking to the same girl. We were supposed to hang out today but I have a lingering cold/cough. I won't be posting too much info because you never know what might happen, lol.

We were talking yesterday & she told me she was defensive because tinder used to be a One night stand app
You wouldn't believe the number of girls with "no hookups" or "no one night stand" un their profile. They took over...

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Challenge accepted. Nah, I'm just a bystander in this discussion.

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I bet you half of them still go for one night stands.

It's like when girls say, "I don't normally do this".... No girl wants to be called a slut even if she wants to do some slooting. I don't judge though. Most of my relationships started with sex, or close to it on first date. Let's face it, if a girl is into you she wants the D right away. Most womem will hold off though because they want you to not think of them as a slut and consider them "relationship material". It's a bs game that's totally unnecessary but hey, I don't blame women for this, I blame the dudes who are judgemental and called women sluts for "giving it up easy". The funny part is that the same women who make a guy wait 5+ dates to get it in because they want a boyfriend are the same ones that gave it up withing 2 hours of meeting some other guy because at the time they just wanted some action. Most dudes are just too stupid to realize this. They think, she made me wait, so that means she makes all guys wait and I bagged myself a good girl. lol.... Jokes on them. And boom, they start a relationship based on deception from day one.
It's like when girls say, "I don't normally do this".... No girl wants to be called a slut even if she wants to do some slooting. I don't judge though. Most of my relationships started with sex, or close to it on first date. Let's face it, if a girl is into you she wants the D right away. Most womem will hold off though because they want you to not think of them as a slut and consider them "relationship material". It's a bs game that's totally unnecessary but hey, I don't blame women for this, I blame the dudes who are judgemental and called women sluts for "giving it up easy". The funny part is that the same women who make a guy wait 5+ dates to get it in because they want a boyfriend are the same ones that gave it up withing 2 hours of meeting some other guy because at the time they just wanted some action. Most dudes are just too stupid to realize this. They think, she made me wait, so that means she makes all guys wait and I bagged myself a good girl. lol.... Jokes on them. And boom, they start a relationship based on deception from day one.

Yes! Could not have said it better. Ive been telling my boys this for years. Im the guy laughing at the shmuck with the 'good girl'...little does he know what shes actually good for. 6 times and counting.. but i love the look on the girls face.

Oh and 5/6 cheated on their bfs with me... smh
Generally speaking a lot of people are dirt.
It's like when girls say, "I don't normally do this".... No girl wants to be called a slut even if she wants to do some slooting. I don't judge though. Most of my relationships started with sex, or close to it on first date. Let's face it, if a girl is into you she wants the D right away. Most womem will hold off though because they want you to not think of them as a slut and consider them "relationship material". It's a bs game that's totally unnecessary but hey, I don't blame women for this, I blame the dudes who are judgemental and called women sluts for "giving it up easy". The funny part is that the same women who make a guy wait 5+ dates to get it in because they want a boyfriend are the same ones that gave it up withing 2 hours of meeting some other guy because at the time they just wanted some action. Most dudes are just too stupid to realize this. They think, she made me wait, so that means she makes all guys wait and I bagged myself a good girl. lol.... Jokes on them. And boom, they start a relationship based on deception from day one.

5+ dates
uhm even Steve Wonder doesn't wait that long.
Seriously, guys do this?
5+ dates
uhm even Steve Wonder doesn't wait that long.
Seriously, guys do this?

Is this just internet male bravado or are 5+ dates something to be endured just to get to the prize? Sad.
Is this just internet male bravado or are 5+ dates something to be endured just to get to the prize? Sad.
Unfortunately its one of those 'rules' women go by so that they dont feel slutty/used/easy etc.. by unfortunate i mean that it is unfortunate they feel that this is proper dating etiquette
Unfortunately its one of those 'rules' women go by so that they dont feel slutty/used/easy etc.. by unfortunate i mean that it is unfortunate they feel that this is proper dating etiquette

I'm not sure I follow. What would be considered a proper dating etiquette?
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