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I met a girl in the fitness room two days ago. She moved from England into my building two weeks ago. I know absolutely nothing about her. I'm meeting her in 1 hour. She's good to go. Run good

You sound like a creeper trying not to sound like a creeper.
Chase women? Lol. I don't even chase my drinks
Of course you don't, all that emotional and physical vibrational energy doesn't play well with carbonated beverages, you'd just make a giant mess

I typed that? Yea, I used to live in Montreal from 2008-2012. I moved back to Toronto in 2012 then my employer sent me to live in Vancouver in 2013..then my employer sent me to live in Calgary in 2014.

What I'm getting at is, Montreal is a hypnotic illuminating cloud of a false reality. I spent 4.5 years living downtown Montreal in a false paradise. Id socialise with girls at the library,bars, clubs, gym with my friends.…. My gf Hated it..Many arguments over me talking to other girls. She ended up moving with me to Toronto in 2012. it was a big adjustment. The girls in Toronto (then) were not (or are not) open as girls in Montreal. It's not like I want to bang every girl I meet. Years 4-5 with my ex, my social life talking to women almost died entirely. I did do things in other cities, regretfully. I did miss the chase living back home. Now, after re-reading what you brought forth upon me, Everything is clear(er) .

One of my theories I just came up with, on a whim, just now, is Toronto women want Men, Not boys. (then I contradicted myself because I was in Toronto last month, and I saw plenty of hot girls with Wastemen -- I always scratch my head wondering how the **** does a guy like that get a girl like that, because I see it out West too!?!?!?!?) So I guess I'm not sure what Toronto women want. Plenty of hams in Toronto with 20-30% body fat, who don't work out, and don't take care of themselves get hot girls. I'm not a gym rat with bulging muscles but I am 9% bf ripped AAA extra lean not that my body is everything but its definitely an asset with appreciating market value . Sometimes I just want to say ditch the zero get with the hero

Tomorrow, I get to leave this **** ****ing dump waste city Vancouver and I get a 2nd opportunity to be a visitor living in my home city. What I learned from my jedi-player friend is every girl you talk to presents a reality. Within a reality are doors to other realities. If you never say anything, you will never know. I'm already doing it in Vancouver, but I vow to always make an effort in talking to as many pretty girls as I can in Toronto! If i see a pretty girl in a restaurant,and I know were both looking at each other, I'm going to walk up to her, lie in front of all her friends, and say I dont do this often, but I think your really hot and I was wondering if you had a bf… if she rejects me thats cool. fortune will favour the brave. on the ttc, if I see a pretty girl standing or sitting beside me, I'm going to say hi. If I feel like complimenting how she looks, I'm going to say that too. I give absolutely No ****s

I'm losing my train of thought . too much to type.
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You talk too much.

Seriously, you sound like you are selling something.

Quiet confidence and just being polite would go a long way.
Don't stop I'm throughly enjoying this thread and Bro I hear you about the fatties with Bombshell babe's what's with that? I mean yeah personality is important but what gives if they are fat and possibly bad in bed

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
I lost it with your first "vibrational energy..." thing

You lost me at that last "hypnotic illuminating..." bit
"i guess i forgot to mention that the universe is a manifestation of vibrational energy, whether it be emotional or physical"

I thought this was from some chick flick but google couldn't help me find which one it was.

Don't stop I'm throughly enjoying this thread and Bro I hear you about the fatties with Bombshell babe's what's with that? I mean yeah personality is important but what gives if they are fat and possibly bad in bed

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Confidence is a great thing, girls are attracted to it more than some dude that has no game and works out every day and says **** like this "What I learned from my jedi-player friend is every girl you talk to presents a reality. Within a reality are doors to other realities"
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It sure as hell wasn't me. You should check some of your older threads you started - some real gems.
Seems like you know him better than he knows himself
You talk too much.


OP, would you care for some cheese with your whine?
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