The Theater (not movies)

On a somewhat related note (to original topic), anyone ever been to an Opera in Toronto? That's something else I've been meaning to check out but the prices are keeping me out.

Did u revoke your man card recently??
On a somewhat related note (to original topic), anyone ever been to an Opera in Toronto? That's something else I've been meaning to check out but the prices are keeping me out.

Lots of free concerts. Only downside is most are during weekdays.

If you're 29 or under you get special pricing from the Canadian Opera Company. $22 for all main stage performances.

Other than sitting in nosebleed section you're generally putting out big bucks to see a show.
On a somewhat related note (to original topic), anyone ever been to an Opera in Toronto? That's something else I've been meaning to check out but the prices are keeping me out.

I used to go all the time, one of my good friends was a barritone with the Canadian Opera Company. He since moved off to be a professor. Its not for everybody, very few are done in english and reading surtitles (top of stage opposite of subtitles) can be distracting. If you can find an operetta, you get some singing/some speaking, its a little more interesting.
If you decide to go read about the opera first, its a story put to music and if you have an idea whats going on its better. Unless you are German do not go to a German language opera, its just horrible to listen to. French or italian are much more pleasant.
If you decide to go read about the opera first, its a story put to music and if you have an idea whats going on its better.

That's pretty much the main reason why I'm interested. A lot of the Operas are based on classic literature; stories from Greek/Roman mythology, etc. and I've always had an interest in that stuff and read most of the "major" works (Illiad, Odyssey, Anead, Metamorphosis, etc.)...or well, the English translations anyways. I'm not really sure I'll enjoy it though, so definitely don't want to shell out the big bucks only to find out 10 minutes in that I can't stand it.

And Charly , thanks for the tip....looks like I have about 3 months to take advantage of the 29 and under pricing. lol
Did u revoke your man card recently??

Nothing "sissy" or whipped about taking in some culture brah. Can't a guy watch some filthy porn, get thrashed, tell fart jokes and than dress up like James Bond and hit up a Shakespeare play all in the same day without being branded a weirdo? :p
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