Whoever sniped the 2007 CB919 out from under me - I'm projecting angry thoughts in your direction
Talk to Clarington Cycle. He had a nice 919 cheap.
Whoever sniped the 2007 CB919 out from under me - I'm projecting angry thoughts in your direction
Whoever sniped the 2007 CB919 out from under me - I'm projecting angry thoughts in your direction
Black 1997 Ninja 500 & Red 1994 Ninja 500, $1800 for both, 97 is Ready to Ride & Restored, 94 need to be put back together, Exhaust, Fairing, Battery & Headlight: https://www.kijiji.ca/v-motorcycle-other/kitchener-waterloo/2-bikes/1299571624
$800-900 in general or for one of the ones listed? Cause if in general then Apex Cycle got a 1997 Ninja 500 (With a 600 Engine looking at Specs, likely just a Typo) for $1995 that could possibly go in the Overpriced Thread: https://www.apexcycle.ca/default.as...&s=Price&d=A&t=preowned&fr=xPreOwnedInventoryDon't see anything particularly good about this deal. A Ninja 500 is not exactly in demand. $800-900 each seems to be on par but one of them you have put extra work into.
2002 Ninja 250 & 2007 CBR 125, No Price Listed in the Description but Price listed for the Ad is $2500, not sure if $2500 each or $2500 for Both: https://www.kijiji.ca/v-sport-bikes...br/1327266039?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true
$800-900 in general or for one of the ones listed? Cause if in general then Apex Cycle got a 1997 Ninja 500 (With a 600 Engine looking at Specs, likely just a Typo) for $1995 that could possibly go in the Overpriced Thread: https://www.apexcycle.ca/default.as...&s=Price&d=A&t=preowned&fr=xPreOwnedInventory
My buddy and I got him a 2000 EX500, 6 years ago for $1,450. So yeah, at this point I wouldn't pay more than a thousand for a 20 year old bike that is horribly outdated and holds zero collector value. I wouldn't actually pay more than $500-600 for one. They are extremely difficult to sell and the buyer has an upper hand. A 10 year old one, I would maybe pay $1,500 if it was in perfect shape and low mileage.
Any time you see someone selling more than 1 vehicle as a package, it is in fact because those vehicles are close to worthless or take a long time to sell.
BTW, I am not saying that EX500 is a bad bike. It's not. Just don't overpay for it. It has been discontinued for 9 years now and the technology is from 30 years ago.
Offered $1700 for bothsee what they say.
Whoever sniped the 2007 CB919 out from under me - I'm projecting angry thoughts in your direction
Details of the 919?worse anger projection than for the zxr1100 ?
but that cb919 deal ...dang that hurt.
Willing to share the trade in value?
im assuming you knew about the new KLX, or the new Tenere 7 coming out, why the crf then?
That is a fair deal in my mind, nice one.Even trade + a new helmet for the CRF250 Rally.The wing gave me some trouble the last couple of years and i wasn't willing to haggle for any more or sell it privately.I think i got a good deal.