Honestly a bike li
A bike like this makes sense to me for my situation when I commuted back and forth from work. It's a 30km ride each way, if I can take the battery out and charge during the day I'd have more than enough. Outside of that I think it's a fairly limited use. Give me a 200km range and I'm on board.
Hell considering my other thread I wonder how much fun this thing is to kick around in the city.
EDIT: WTF I'm actually thinking of this for the cottage as there's Simcoe County Forest 10min away.
From the ad:
"The Zero can go up to 105 km/hr and up to 80 km on a charge. The battery can be fully charged in as little as 4 hrs for less than $1.00/ charge....
...Curb weight 277 lbs
Carry capacity 297 lbs"
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A bike like this makes sense to me for my situation when I commuted back and forth from work. It's a 30km ride each way, if I can take the battery out and charge during the day I'd have more than enough. Outside of that I think it's a fairly limited use. Give me a 200km range and I'm on board.
Hell considering my other thread I wonder how much fun this thing is to kick around in the city.
EDIT: WTF I'm actually thinking of this for the cottage as there's Simcoe County Forest 10min away.
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