The Random Night Ride 2.0

Sorry dude, saw that I missed your call after I got home. Ahwell, you coming to L&L tomorrow?

np, I figured out that you guys were at the location near Eglinton and not the Jane St one that I'm close too. Although a few years ago I did live literally 2 minutes from the Commisso's you went to :eek:

Commisso's is great for a late night snack!

May go to L&L tonight, we'll see.
Thanks guys for letting me know it was close to KareBears! I would have came :(
GoldieWorms.... Just saying...
Sorry....... it was....... RANDOM!!! :lmao:


Yes I know it was random :)
oh boy can't wait for the random night walks in Montreal :lmao::snorting:
Anyone interested in leading a night ride till about 10-11PM? i have work tomorrow morning :(
SOMEONE ran out of gas leaving L&L tonight... I won't say who.... But man those new Gixxers are really great posing bikes.


wow...thought the gixxer who still has their factory warning stickers was bad but running out of gas tops it :D

see what i did there??
oh dear.... glad to know i'm not the only newbie rider who has gastank problems... :P

btw, thanks everyone for helping me get Baby B's tank open!
oh dear.... glad to know i'm not the only newbie rider who has gastank problems... :P

btw, thanks everyone for helping me get Baby B's tank open!

Take key, insert into key hole of gas tank, turn clock wise 45 degrees, tank door pops open.
To close, push door down into tank and firmly closed.

I can make a Youtube video if you need :eek:
Take key, insert into key hole of gas tank, turn clock wise 45 degrees, tank door pops open.
To close, push door down into tank and firmly closed.

I can make a Youtube video if you need :eek:

Damn! Here I was filling the bike from the exhaust pipe and then walking it backwards in gear.

I look forward to this Youtube video however, a certain 750 rider might need a refresher course :P
Damn! Here I was filling the bike from the exhaust pipe and then walking it backwards in gear.

I look forward to this Youtube video however, a certain 750 rider might need a refresher course :P
1st some of them need to learn how to remove the key from the ignition.........:happy3:
1st some of them need to learn how to remove the key from the ignition.........:happy3:

Also anger management may be in order as well. I hear people who run out of gas are prone to beating random good natured citizens. Travesties like these happen everyday and are widely unreported. I'm going to lead a support group for such victims. :p
Take key, insert into key hole of gas tank, turn clock wise 45 degrees, tank door pops open.
To close, push door down into tank and firmly closed.

I can make a Youtube video if you need :eek:

Smart ass.. My tank got stuck since she was in the shop for 4 weeks.. It took 4 people trying different things before it worked.
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