The Official Ongoing Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread

Hey Everyone.
Back in the fall I posted up that I was considering getting a group together to go to Ganaraska Forest with Trail Tours.
The regular rate is $261 + HST (they supply bikes and all gear, except rain gear which you would need to bring yourself).
If we get 4 people, we qualify for a group rate (sent an email, waiting to hear back).

At the moment, I'm considering either the May 5 or May 19-21 (Long weekend) dates.
Riding time is 9-3pm, with an hour lunch break.

Please reply to this if you're interested, and which day you can commit to.

People Who Really Want To Go and ARE WILLING TO COMMIT:
BigEvilDoer (Tim)

Special Snowflakes Who May Be Interested But Can't Commit Because It's Too Much Commitment:
Fill in name here.

I know ScubaSteve, Doozer and GSXR-Girl are out, as they have their own dirtbikes etc.
Let me check the track schedule, I'm thinking late May early June might be a better time frame, saara wants to come too

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Given the dates, May 5th would be the only one that might work for me. Put me on the Snowflake list....
They also do not provide hydration packs, which I would recommend. If you are getting your money's worth then you will be working and will want to drink more often than you want to take your helmet off
Let me check the track schedule, I'm thinking late May early June might be a better time frame, saara wants to come took

Supply another date. I can't arrange a group rate without a fixed date.
what about June 2 or 3?
Sounds good. We can make it June 2 or 3, whichever suits more people.
Bippy? Thoughts?
Apparently saara can't do that weekend, I've asked her to give me a few other dates instead, I'll let u guys know

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Sounds good. We can make it June 2 or 3, whichever suits more people.
Bippy? Thoughts?
Sorry, I'm in Utah and cell/WiFi is really spotty.
We might be doing a show in Haliburton that weekend so don't think that works for me....
Maybe the best idea is for all of us to get together for beer to talk over dates!
.... Edit...
Oops. Didn't see that the June 2/3 is out now.
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Let me get a list of dates that work for saara, today, and we'll see if we can all find a date that works for everyone
FYI, early autumn makes for great riding in the woods. Ganny opens May 1st, and many of the rides for the first month or so are spent with some amount of tree clearing, assuming you're going to be getting into single track.
Also beware that once you start riding dirt bikes, you will all want to buy one. Put that in the budget.
Or many :)

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