The Official Ongoing Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread

Thinking about doing a ride on Sunday... anyone interested?
To make it semi-official...

Date: Sunday, June 1
Time: 1:00 p.m., kickstands up 1:15pm sharp.
Location: Tim Hortons, University Ave. and Bridge Street, Waterloo
Route: TBD by who all shows up. Maybe out to Paris, maybe countryside north of Waterloo. Maybe if you want to come out and you're M1, post it up here, and we can determine the route then.
I'm in.
I'm heading to Wasaga Beach tomorrow (Saturday) for lunch. If anyone wants to come along, you're more than welcome.

Meet at the Tim Hortons on Woodlawn Rd W in Guelph. I'll be there around 8:30-8:45, kickstands up at 9:00 sharp!
I'll be meeting another rider in Orangeville and from there we'll take the nice roads to Wasaga.
Since I'm riding a cruiser, the pace will be, well...cruiser-ish, and M1 friendly.
I was looking for something a little bit later as i have a few errands to run first thing in the morning and couldn't be ready by then. Thanks for the invite though Katatonic :) catch you on the next one and enjoy the trip and ride safe!
So I was hoping to get plated and start riding this weekend but Zdeno apparently didn't want that to happen. Avoid this place. So mad right now :mad: My experience

Dude that sucks.. sorry to hear...
Hope you get out riding soon!
Dude that sucks.. sorry to hear...
Hope you get out riding soon!

Oh yes, I cant wait :D

A bit about me- Bought my 2010 Ninja 250 in September all the way from Ajax (It was a great deal-7k km's and $2700). I didn't want to insure it for the fall (season was almost over) so I ended up just riding around my crescent. Then, spring came along BUT since my age, my dad needed to get his licence as well to be the primary driver. He took an extremely :( long time. (He just got his M1 this week). Up to now, I've been riding up and down my street due to no plates/insurance. On friday, we got insurance :) (Got quoted at 56/month from SF; drops to 36/month in December) Then, today the plan was to safety and then register. But Zdeno ruined that :( Hopefully I will finally be able to get it road legal on Monday. Oh- and going up and down my street (small crescent) I've managed to accumulate 1300km. You could say... I'm a little... obsessed.
Oh- and going up and down my street (small crescent) I've managed to accumulate 1300km. You could say... I'm a little... obsessed.

Egads man... that's simply absurd! :-)
Glad to hear you got your dad into riding too - won't be long before he feels the bug and buys a bike too.

Lots of other places to get bikes safetied if Zdeno's is upsetting you. They've bounced a few friends' bikes for ridiculous reasons (wiring wasn't routed the way they wanted, but the of course, would reroute it for $xx). These friends went to other shops and received a safety without any issue. Crappy Tire on Weber St. in Waterloo does bike safeties too, but just make sure stock fork reflectors are on, or you may get bounced there.
Oh yes, I cant wait :D

I've managed to accumulate 1300km. You could say... I'm a little... obsessed.
Congrats on the bike.You did get a good deal.1300km on your crescent! Holy crap do you have good neighbours.One phone call could have put you into a world of hurt.

ps: you're lucky to have such a teriffic Dad.:)
Congrats on the bike.You did get a good deal.1300km on your crescent! Holy crap do you have good neighbours.One phone call could have put you into a world of hurt.

ps: you're lucky to have such a teriffic Dad.:)

Yup, I feel for my neighbors, in fact, I asked them all if it bugs them and if it did I would stop riding. :) I wanted to be as polite as possible; we are all ambassadors of this sport. Can't wait to finally get legal and meet up with you guys :D
Fancy fun ride today... started out our local back roads and ended up zipping up through Fergus and north east of Hockley Valley. Love the sweepers out that way.

Mike - Where'd you go? Thought you were with us after we left the gas station - saw you weren't with us and returned to the gas station. Waited 10 minutes and then zipped off back home. I'm guessing you missed the left turn immediately after the gas station. End up in Arthur?
Uh oh, first big group ride and you lose a man?

Started with 6. One guy left in Elora. Down to 5. Mike was discovered missing not long after (couple of KM) leaving the gas station... that's why we turned around. I'm thinking maybe he ended up ogling the not too shabby miss in a snug pink shirt filling up at the gas station a little too long. ;-)

Feel bad.. half way surprised Mike didn't come by our final destination (we discussed getting food at St. Louis).

Messed with my fuel maps a little more after the ride - uploaded a different one to my ECU, but I can definitely notice the lower high rpm power. Changed it out 'cause the map I was running was WAY too rich and was popping really loud (near backfire) on deceleration at 6.5-4.5K rpm with a closed throttle.

Will likely end up adding a couple percent fuel from 7K rpm to 14K rpm and 40% + throttle.
Should probably get it done professionally... maybe get a Bazzaz unit and borrow Smergy's Autotuner.. :-)
sure... and in an unrelated topic I like Heineken ;)
Awesome ride. It was good meeting you guys and putting some faces to names. Some awesome roads. Thanks for letting me tag along. See you guys soon!
Started with 6. One guy left in Elora. Down to 5. Mike was discovered missing not long after (couple of KM) leaving the gas station... that's why we turned around. I'm thinking maybe he ended up ogling the not too shabby miss in a snug pink shirt filling up at the gas station a little too long. ;-)

Feel bad.. half way surprised Mike didn't come by our final destination (we discussed getting food at St. Louis).

Messed with my fuel maps a little more after the ride - uploaded a different one to my ECU, but I can definitely notice the lower high rpm power. Changed it out 'cause the map I was running was WAY too rich and was popping really loud (near backfire) on deceleration at 6.5-4.5K rpm with a closed throttle.

Will likely end up adding a couple percent fuel from 7K rpm to 14K rpm and 40% + throttle.
Should probably get it done professionally... maybe get a Bazzaz unit and borrow Smergy's Autotuner.. :-)

I was wondering how "beginner friendly" these ride are. I look forward to coming; but don't want to hold the group back/be an annoyance. I do have my M2.
took another offroad trip through a field this weekend... fortunately it was in a tractor this time :)
I was wondering how "beginner friendly" these ride are. I look forward to coming; but don't want to hold the group back/be an annoyance. I do have my M2.

Rides are adjusted accordingly of course. We always stress that everyone ride their own pace. If you fall behind, we wait at the next stop. No worries about holding anyone up.

Good to meet you Rico.. glad you had fun.
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