The "I've quit" thread

I started smoking in my early to mid 20's and loved it. Nothing like a beer and a smoke. I realized a few things back then. Smokers where the most social people and far less anal than nonsmokers. Just my observation. I quit at 35, that was seven years ago and never looked back. Just got up one day and said "I'm done!"

My primary motivation was that my kids were getting to an age where they emulate and admire everything about their parents and I didn't want to send a message that smoking was ok. I never smoked around my kids too but when they would see me I felt like a kid hiding from my parents. Weird!

My secondary motivator and what keeps me off smoking is that horrible taste of a thousand bare foot people walking on my tongue at 3 am!
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i smoked for almost 25 years.

then we found out a little one was on the way. smoking around a preggo wife isnt cool, so i needed to quit

quitting is easy if you have the proper motivation.
Why would you want a monkey like that on your back? Would you try to get hooked on crack just to challenge yourself?
Fair enough. I just always hear people about how hard it is to quit, and I wonder if it'd be just as hard for me (but obviously, I'd have to really get addicted for it to be comparable). I'm also a firm believer that people only change when they hate themselves enough.

But with that said, if a daughter or whatever asks her father to quit for her sake, and he can't...does that mean that she isn't important enough? Or is the drug really that potent and mind-altering?

My curiosity stems from not having an addictive personality and generally being open to experience(which is also why I'm sure I could try other drugs without getting hooked...but I'm not sure I want to take that risk to satiate my curiosity)
Fair enough. I just always hear people about how hard it is to quit, and I wonder if it'd be just as hard for me (but obviously, I'd have to really get addicted for it to be comparable). I'm also a firm believer that people only change when they hate themselves enough.

But with that said, if a daughter or whatever asks her father to quit for her sake, and he can't...does that mean that she isn't important enough? Or is the drug really that potent and mind-altering?

My curiosity stems from not having an addictive personality and generally being open to experience(which is also why I'm sure I could try other drugs without getting hooked...but I'm not sure I want to take that risk to satiate my curiosity)

Some people don't get a chance to change. Some just die first. Addiction doesn't have to make sense.
You can't be serious that you believe some people have some kind of immunity to becoming addicted to drugs.
There are other things to be curious about. If you want a challenge go figure out women. ;)
Some people don't get a chance to change. Some just die first. Addiction doesn't have to make sense.
You can't be serious that you believe some people have some kind of immunity to becoming addicted to drugs.
There are other things to be curious about. If you want a challenge go figure out women. ;)
I never said they had an immunity...just that some people are less susceptible to it (and I don't know if I'm one of them). Psychologists have also been able to replicate the spiritual high that religious people get by using psyllicide and LSD. It's also been proved useful in controlled cancer therapies.

But the way Joe Rogan talks about DMT & the way prolific writers like Huxley talk about LSD make it sound pretty interesting. As an interesting tidbit, Huxley was a recreational user of it and believed in it so much that when he was on his deathbed, he had an insane dose administered.

& I've already started doing your latter suggestion haha but that's a different topic altogether
See, you're not a smoker because you think that flicking your butt on the street is littering..

Are you a drinker then? Can I follow a trail of beer cans to your place?
I never said they had an immunity...just that some people are less susceptible to it (and I don't know if I'm one of them). Psychologists have also been able to replicate the spiritual high that religious people get by using psyllicide and LSD. It's also been proved useful in controlled cancer therapies.

But the way Joe Rogan talks about DMT & the way prolific writers like Huxley talk about LSD make it sound pretty interesting. As an interesting tidbit, Huxley was a recreational user of it and believed in it so much that when he was on his deathbed, he had an insane dose administered.

& I've already started doing your latter suggestion haha but that's a different topic altogether

Psycadelics like DMT and LSD have no addicting properties so they don't really belong in the same conversation as cigarettes which are a stimulant to a lesser extent.

I wouldn't recommend picking up smoking for fun or for a challenege.. I am a social smoker because I enjoy the taste of a cigarette with beer and company, I tend to go through a pack every two weeks and this is my choice. I don't consider myself an addicting personality but nicotine in large doses can take over even the most strong minded people.
Viper, your rant reminded me of a sign one guy had in his office decades ago. This was in the 80's when you could still smoke in your cubicle or wherever. A non-smoker had a sign something along the lines of "Your cigarette habit generates smoke, which you don't mind spreading onto me and my clothes. I like to drink beer, which generates urine. Don't smoke near me unless you're prepared to have me come over and urinate all over you."

Nice, I could use a shirt like that :)

I started smoking in my early to mid 20's and loved it. Nothing like a beer and a smoke. I realized a few things back then. Smokers where the most social people and far less anal than nonsmokers.

You're absolutely right, non-smokers actually CARE about their health, can you believe it? Caring about your health has now become "anal", as defined by lackadaisical people who simply don't care about theirs! Sheer brilliance, we should all be in awe of this tremendous revelation.

The average human, when put into a group, exhibits his or her greatest retardedness. Being proud of "being the most social" is like having pride in being the leader of the largest group of retards, which is more of a punishment than it is a reward. A lack of caring of one's own health certainly doesn't move farther away from being a retard, so at least this is a congruent/consistent mindset.
^ why don't you climb down off your high horse and stop using such offensive language? I'm sure they taught you different adjectives than "retarded" in your gifted program.
Ok, I'll butter up my words to ensure the feelings of poor, innocent smokers don't get hurt as soon as they stop creating such offensive and universally-poisonous gasses. That way everybody will be on low horses, and even you'll be happy, too. Look at that, it's Win-Win-Win.
I don't care about your feelings towards smokers. Repeatedly saying retard in your posts is offensive. Surely you must know that? It has nothing to do with offending smokers, it has to do with common decency. Your attitude is, smokers can harm themselves as well as others, therefore you have license to use language that is insulting to mentally handicapped people? You clearly don't get it.
Look up the definition of the word. It has synonyms you may be unfamiliar with. If your ignorance of the English language offends you, there are easy remedies for that, unlike the offense caused to the health of non-smokers by smokers. And what better a place to discuss common decency than on a thread about harming countless others with your own self-detrimental actions.
You're a piece of work. Everyone knows what is meant by the term 'retard'. Maybe one day you'll have a kid, and the misfortune of him/her being mentally handicapped. Talk to me then about dictionary definitions. To illustrate my point would you walk into a special Ed classroom and tell the kids that smokers are a bunch of retards? I sure hope not.

If you're arguing with a fool, then so is he.

With that, I'm done.
i smoked off and on for about 15-20 years...

quit cold turkey a few times, it was always a battle and always ended up going back. one time when quitting i freaked out on a customer. but my manager was cool with it because i was quitting smoking.

last time i quit it was like flipping a switch. gave my 1/2 smoked morning cigarette to my ex and the better part of a pack of cigs. i didn't rip off any one's head in the process. its been over 10 years now

Just do it.
You do that worse alone by riding a motorcycle.

No, no, you're absolutely right, what was I thinking? We have SO many people getting lung cancer (and other cancers) caused by vehicle emissions compared to cigarette smoke. Children worldwide are being affected because their negligent and stupid parents are exposing them to inescapable automobile exhaust fumes vs the idiot parent smoking in his/her house, affecting their kids.

Once again, science to the rescue:

There's a reason you can smell a cigarette for easily a day after it's been smoked. Can you do that with automotive exhaust? No. Why? The molecular structure of cigarette toxins is physically long, and they get caught in fibers and hairs and the alveoli of the lungs where automotive exhaust particles are smaller and don't, as much. Ever hear of third-hand smoking? This is the reason the term doesn't exist in the context of automobile exhaust fumes.

And one for fun (misery): <-- this saddens me most of all, as a lover of busty women. But that's ok, smokers can have their prematurely saggy breasts anyway :)

Now, you can claim that the sum of all automotive exhaust is far more voluminous than even 100k cigarettes, but once must ask: What happens to the world if everyone gives up their primary mode of transportation and logistics/transportation tomorrow? What happens if the world gives up smoking tomorrow? The consequences are blatantly obvious. When one day petroleum based travel is obsolete and in the history books, will that absolve smokers and finally vindicate their actions?

Lastly, let's not omit how smokers are psychological sheeple who like to get together in groups and smoke upon the first suggestion or mere observation of another lighting up. Smoker or not, anyone who's ever been outside or has friends has seen this happen. When one smoker lights up, or suggests smoking, a little light goes off in the heads of other smokers around and suddenly everyone craves a social smokefest. Of course the same happens in driving, right? "That person is driving to get groceries, I had better hop in my car and get some, too!"; "Hey that guy is driving his Tercel, I should hop into mine and drive even without a specific purpose, too!" <-- yes, these thoughts happen ALL THE TIME in the chemically-susceptible minds of poor automobile owners everywhere!

Ludicrous amounts of FAIL.
i smoked off and on during my 20s, sometimes reaching a pack a day.

i quit completely when i was about 27. that was years ago. but i still remember how addictive they were. that's why i don't get preachy, condescending, or judgmental about those who do smoke. if someone is shivering out in the cold, satisfying their nicotine fit, i don't think they are evil, i pity them and their chemical addiction. i'm inside, they're outside, they aren't affecting me. it is different if i'm sitting on a patio trying to have a nice meal and someone sparks up a dart next to me. that is inconsiderate, something that i wouldn't have done when i smoked, so then i have an objection.

i would think that former smokers would have the most understanding and empathy for those still struggling with their addiction, but i guess i'm wrong.
I've smoked for 12 years. And after countless attempts i finally quit with Champix
Smokers where the most social people and far less anal than nonsmokers.

You're absolutely right, non-smokers actually CARE about their health, can you believe it? Caring about your health has now become "anal", as defined by lackadaisical people who simply don't care about theirs! Sheer brilliance, we should all be in awe of this tremendous revelation.

The average human, when put into a group, exhibits his or her greatest retardedness. Being proud of "being the most social" is like having pride in being the leader of the largest group of retards, which is more of a punishment than it is a reward. A lack of caring of one's own health certainly doesn't move farther away from being a retard, so at least this is a congruent/consistent mindset.

You read in waaaaaayyyyyy too much. But then again you made my point pretty well. Yes, I observed that non-smokers were less social. Imagine that. When people get together they usually talk about things, bond, become friends and generally help each other out making our short time on earth easier. For the love of everything good and holy can you imagine that? So if they accomplish this while hurting themselves then so be it. They know the risks and they choose to take them. Doesn't make them 'retarded' any more than it makes your passionate hate for smokers mean that you are somehow holier than thou.

BTW, this is the "I've Quit" thread, not the "I'm a self-righteous judgmental PR that hates you all" thread.

Judge less, live more, enjoy life. There's a t-shirt for you.
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