The "I've quit" thread

started when i was 16 - 22 years now.. i hate it, but cant quiet and when i do try i am like a bear with a sore ***.... if i get sick from it i can only blame myself....
Smoked reds for over 15 years, girlfriend kept nagging me about it so one day I got angry and tossed my pack out of my car window, it was easier to stop smoking then listening to her.

I was only a social smoker, never really considered myself a full time smoker.
I don't know if the microsoft comment is true, but you can buy shares of many companies prior to IPO.

As far as smoking goes. I am at about a pack every 3 months... I should really quit gambling if I am gonna quit anything.
I don't know if the microsoft comment is true, but you can buy shares of many companies prior to IPO.

As far as smoking goes. I am at about a pack every 3 months... I should really quit gambling if I am gonna quit anything.

yes you are right, you can have shares in a private company, but the private company can only publish up to 500 private shares. same thing is happening with facebook right now with its ipo taking place.
yes you are right, you can have shares in a private company, but the private company can only publish up to 500 private shares. same thing is happening with facebook right now with its ipo taking place.

you are completely wrong with that with the 500 shares idea, there is no such limit in Canada.
With respect to FB - its 500 shareholders, not 500 shares.
I don't smoke, but my wife did. She got Giardia Lamblia (Beaver Fever) when we lived in Edmonton and couldn't even think of cigarrettes without puking. After six weeks, she was better and didn't bother to go back on the smokes. It works, but I wouldn't recommend it.
Good on you for quitting by the way. Keep at it.
I started because my friends did and it was cool.
a little bit older found out id rather py $10 for some weed then a pack a smokes so I quit smokeing.
then found out kid was comming so I quit everything.
I actually quit smoking for a little over a year now. Towards the end I just hated smoking. The smell that lingers on your smoking hand is what "made" me quit. I took every precaution in preventing the "smoker" smell that gets on EVERYTHING..

It was really hard because a lot of my friends smoke, and even hanging out with them was hard because they would spark up every hour... was really nasty.

I didn't use any quitting aid's... I just stopped. Stopped hanging around my smoker friends for a while, till it was out of my system enough that seeing or smelling it wouldn't tempt me back into it. I feel much better for it.
Never smoke. Just tried always to be different from everybody around: so everybody smokes, and I don't!

For a long time, I did strongly believe, that there's nothing worst than a smoking woman. After I put out a cigarette of one girl (who was a friend of friend of mine - saw her for the first time) against my hand:(... After "remembering" that for two following weeks, I just decided, that I do not care anymore if girls smoking or not :)
considering Microsoft didn't IPO until 1986, you've done well - congrats.

:-D That was an inside joke..I was wondering if anyone even knew who Microsoft was anymore!!
Ew Smoking is gross... everyone should quit, you're all a burden on our healthcare system and you smell gross. I've heard Champix works pretty well.
:-D That was an inside joke..I was wondering if anyone even knew who Microsoft was anymore!!

I knew right off something was amuck.
My 1st born was in 1987, and if I had a dime for every time I've calculated how rich I'd be now, had I bought 1,000 shares of MSFT the day he was born, I could buy a tobacco company, or two :p
I knew right off something was amuck.
My 1st born was in 1987, and if I had a dime for every time I've calculated how rich I'd be now, had I bought 1,000 shares of MSFT the day he was born, I could buy a tobacco company, or two :p

I know..can you imagine?!? :-) I didn't want the only smart thing in my life to be not smoking though!! Haha! It was either MSFT or Apple..but I just can't get on the Apple boat, even for a joke.. :-)
I know..can you imagine?!? :-) I didn't want the only smart thing in my life to be not smoking though!! Haha! It was either MSFT or Apple..but I just can't get on the Apple boat, even for a joke.. :-)

Look at AAPL as if it were a $60 stock. Do you think it will hit $90 - $100? I do, but I'm not on the boat either. (I'm presently losing my *** in silver, and silver ETF's)

My incentive to stay 'quitting' butts, was to put each and every five dollar bill I got into a box. When there were enough five dollar bills, I'd go out and buy myself something that I would have never bought otherwise. I still do it, 19 yrs later, but just for ***** and giggles now.
Started when I was 8 and quit when I was 10.

Started again at 16, but quit within a couple of months (inhaling old port colts did the trick).
I am a nurse in long term care and palliative care. I have seen many many people die from cancer related to smoking. It is a terrible death and not a quick one.
All of my girlfriends in high school smoked and tried to get me to join them. The fear of my father finding out (he would've killed me), the fear of not being able to stop, I also got into body building at that time and I just hated the smell of them, thankfully were reasons not to even try. I don't really understand how people say they can't stop. Too me it is mind over matter, if you truly want to I think you can. But then again I do not have an addictive personality.......ok ok maybe for shoes, but all girls are like that. LOL
I wish all of you smokers good luck with quitting. Your body will thank you! Those pics on the packages are reality.
All I got out of the OP is that he considered suicide when he broke up with his girl in high school. Crazy!

I started smoking in university. I was smoking cigars at the time but it was too costly for a broke student so I switched to cigs (little did I know how much I'd spend on this habit).
I've never tried to quit nor do I have plans to quit in the future (who knows I might anyway). I do try to control my intake though. I don't like the fact that nicotine has so much control over me. To me it's a matter of prevailing over the substance so that when I smoke it's mainly because I choose to, not because I need to. It's somewhat similar to riding a motorcycle. I accept the risk to my health but I do it because I enjoy it. I kind of resent people calling it stupid. What's smart? Living an antiseptic life?
Started smoking at 13. They were free. I was taught how to roll home rolled. They were made as 1 long cigarette and then cut into 5 regular sized. No filters and Export A tobacco. Every other day I just made 4 or 5 extra which would give up to 20. Parents never knew the difference. Smoked till I was 33, with many absences. If I felt like quitting I would just throw away the pack I had. Anywhere from 1 week to 2 months later would buy another pack and carrying on. Last time I said that was it, threw away a pack with 1 cigarette out of it. 20 years later and I don't even think about smoking. I was one of the lucky ones that it never bothered. Never had a craving.
I started smoking when I was about 10 or 11. At it's height my habit was between 20 and 30 a day. I quit when I was 21. I came back from a holiday in Portugal, where ciggies were about 40p a pack and walked into my local shop to buy a pack. They wanted 2 pound 10p (about 5 times as much). About a week later I met my missus to be in a club in Manchester. She says she would never have gone out with me if I smoked.
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