The Interview cancelled


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Looks like those commie rascals put one to the Hollywood juggernaut. About time somebody did that.:mad:
Publicity . . wait for it . . .
Publicity . . wait for it . . .

Oh, that's cynical. You think this is just a ploy?

I think not. Obama called it an act of aggression against the US.
Oh, that's cynical. You think this is just a ploy?

I think not. Obama called it an act of aggression against the US.
I can see where he is coming from. Ive been seeing this in the news for a decent amount of time now on websites that dont usually have something in the realm of E news on their top stories.

Then again i see your point as well. There were calls for attacks on movie theaters.

but really, when has North Korea ever fulfilled its threats.
The threat isn't so much about keeping the film from being released, it's about North Korea's ability to hack into anything anywhere to use the information garnered to their advantage.

It's incredible when you think about it, a little over 70 years ago allied forces stormed Normandy. Today, one of the poorest, backwards countries in the world managed to suppress freedom of speech without firing a bullet. The US, with all their guns, are powerless against it as they cower to mighty North Korea. Great idea for a movie, actually.
66-4 views to replies ratio is pathetic. What is this? A Leafs game?
What, they are going to attack n korea now?? Could it be Russia or china by faking their digital footprint. These hackers are a genius bunch BTW.
It's ok. They got Melvin from Wargames (the movie) to look into it. Just don't suggest it was a backdoor. He doesn't like that.

Publicity . . wait for it . . .

Princess's Man agree with Baggsy. Sony take advantage of situashion. If they don't want publicity than they would have been silent. Sony has been anything but silent. Instead they pulled plug making this an even more sensational story!

CBC (and other media) characterazing these as "attacks" make Princess's Man laugh a good one.

You like?
Yes, but I'm glad they blinked. Looks good on them.
Worst Korea's actually offered to help the US in a joint investigation to find the hackers.

Typical Jewish response. Yes, it hurt me to write that. Call 'em as I see 'em.
SMAIL MAX must have moved on to bigger things...
How come they're making such a big deal of this movie and nothing happened about Zoolander? It was basically the same plot. Almost.

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