The global Debt Clock

Gold and fiat currency are both means of exchange and are therefore money. People hold gold to hedge against risk because gold is money. Banks hold gold TRADITIONALLY because traditionally (several thousand years worth) GOLD IS MONEY.

Good money must have seven characteristics (from Richard Russell)

(1) It must be durable, which is why we don't use wheat or corn or rice.
(2) It must be divisible, which is why we don't use art work.
(3) It must be convenient, which is why we don't use lead or copper.
(4) It must be consistent, which is why we don't use real estate.
(5) It must possess value in itself, which is why we don't use paper.
(6) It must be limited in the quantity that is available, which is why we don't use aluminum or iron.
(7) It should have a long history of acceptance, which is why we don't use molybdenum or rhodium.

Only gold fits all seven characteristics.

The liquidity of gold and fiat currency are not equal.
Really GOLD isn't money? Why does it take over $1800 to buy 1 oz of gold? That's becasue you paper money is debt. Gold/Silver is not backed by debt. When gas prices go up, is it the value of gas going up or your paper money going down? back in the day, paper money was created out of convenience because you could not carry around heavy bars of gold, and other forms of barter. Then the bankers came into play starting to duplicate paper money backed by nothing.

Don't take my word for it. You will learn the hard way when this whole paper ponzi scheme goes down.
What you learn in school has been designed by the bankers. Here is a good vid on what is money:

Crash Course: What is Money? by Chris Martenson

Crash Course: Chapter 7 - Money Creation

My friend took this photo at the 44 King St. W. - Precious Metals Counter Scotia's Head Office
We have never seen the line up so long.

Please tell us what we learned in school?

How can you say something is wrong when you dont know/understand it?

The change in gas prices isnt because of inflation. I would love to see you explaination for that one.
[FONT=Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]In the event you have not noticed, digital gold currency (DGC) is rising fast as the solution to the tomfoolery of politicians that cannot manage a simple budget, and didn’t think the world would notice. Bad politics has forced central banks to attempt to cover the political folly by liquefying the doomed system built on political bribery and favors.[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif] [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sovereign and private DGC is now on the fast track. The Gold Swiss Franc (GSF) legislation recently introduced in Switzerland is the first proposed sovereign dual monetary system. This is the monetary system of the coming Great Republic. The Swiss are following in the footsteps of James Turk’s, a private DGC bank where Lloyd’s of London insures your DGC on deposit in London, Zurich or Hong Kong. Others will follow the Swiss lead, first in a trickle, and then in a global DGC driven monetary revolution.

Meanwhile ... after today's continued correction in the price of gold and gold stocks, I'm back in. Option premiums are really high in this bouncy market. I bought some gold stocks and sold near-the-money covered call options against them. I'm expecting gold to bounce around but basically go nowhere for the next little while. If I'm wrong and they go up, I walk away with the option premium. If I'm wrong and they go down, it's like I paid less for the stock and I'll just sell another option against them next month.
Europe is burning, the dollar is burning, and governments are burning. Elmer Fudd Public Investor won’t have any stock market investments by the time the final bell rings on this, the big show. He’s going to make the people in the 1930’s breadlines look like they were in the party zone! The bottom line is that the big picture is going out of control and ushering in the gold parabola zone.
Europe is burning, the dollar is burning, and governments are burning. Elmer Fudd Public Investor won’t have any stock market investments by the time the final bell rings on this, the big show. He’s going to make the people in the 1930’s breadlines look like they were in the party zone! The bottom line is that the big picture is going out of control and ushering in the gold parabola zone.

You stopped making sense a while ago, but I thought there was still hope for you. Now I'm getting the feeling you're not just confused. You might actually be a few cards short of a full deck.
You stopped making sense a while ago, but I thought there was still hope for you. Now I'm getting the feeling you're not just confused. You might actually be a few cards short of a full deck.

Your opinion does matter, but not to me. I don't reguard Elmer Fudd the investor to be in the know what money is. He'll be the one clenching worthless fiat paper in the bread lines. I follow the money, the trend is your friend. You have digressed to the last resort of a discussion, when there are no facts supporting your opinion. Pick up your toys and go to Mommy.

Since the Masters of the System have decided to arbitrarily "move the goalposts" to suit themselves by printing money in unlimited quantities, fixing interest rates at artificially low levels, and backstopping the bond market etc, it is incumbent on us as investors to find a fixed point of reference and safe anchorage, the better to weather the financial storms that their crassly irresponsible policies are bringing upon us. That fixed point of reference is gold. As gold is real money it is aloof from the mess and mayhem that now exists in the world of fiat and which is rapidly getting worse - and here it is necessary to make a crucially important point, which is that at this time in world history you have to completely reorder your thinking with respect with gold.


QE to infinity!!
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You stopped making sense a while ago, but I thought there was still hope for you. Now I'm getting the feeling you're not just confused. You might actually be a few cards short of a full deck.

No kidding. I (mostly) stopped following this thread when he indicated the world is coming to an end but people with guns & ammo are foolish because he'll have full police support and the legal system to protect him and his shiny yellow stuff.
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Your opinion does matter, but not to me. I don't reguard Elmer Fudd the investor to be in the know what money is. He'll be the one clenching worthless fiat paper in the bread lines. I follow the money, the trend is your friend. You have digressed to the last resort of a discussion, when there are no facts supporting your opinion. Pick up your toys and go to Mommy.

Since the Masters of the System have decided to arbitrarily "move the goalposts" to suit themselves by printing money in unlimited quantities, fixing interest rates at artificially low levels, and backstopping the bond market etc, it is incumbent on us as investors to find a fixed point of reference and safe anchorage, the better to weather the financial storms that their crassly irresponsible policies are bringing upon us. That fixed point of reference is gold. As gold is real money it is aloof from the mess and mayhem that now exists in the world of fiat and which is rapidly getting worse - and here it is necessary to make a crucially important point, which is that at this time in world history you have to completely reorder your thinking with respect with gold.


QE to infinity!!

Sorry to say if you dont have millions now, you dont know where the money is or where it is going.

Name one thing that gold is, that say copper isnt?
Your opinion does matter, but not to me. I don't reguard Elmer Fudd the investor to be in the know what money is. He'll be the one clenching worthless fiat paper in the bread lines. I follow the money, the trend is your friend. You have digressed to the last resort of a discussion, when there are no facts supporting your opinion. Pick up your toys and go to Mommy.

Since the Masters of the System have decided to arbitrarily "move the goalposts" to suit themselves by printing money in unlimited quantities, fixing interest rates at artificially low levels, and backstopping the bond market etc, it is incumbent on us as investors to find a fixed point of reference and safe anchorage, the better to weather the financial storms that their crassly irresponsible policies are bringing upon us. That fixed point of reference is gold. As gold is real money it is aloof from the mess and mayhem that now exists in the world of fiat and which is rapidly getting worse - and here it is necessary to make a crucially important point, which is that at this time in world history you have to completely reorder your thinking with respect with gold.


QE to infinity!!

I know my opinion doesn't matter to you, and that's too bad, because it should. Because I know what I'm talking about, and you don't. I was hoping I'd be able to explain something to you, because you seem generally interested in this topic. And yet you refuse to accept the definitions of basic terms like economics and money, while accusing other people of not having facts.
Europe is burning, the dollar is burning, and governments are burning. Elmer Fudd Public Investor won’t have any stock market investments by the time the final bell rings on this, the big show. He’s going to make the people in the 1930’s breadlines look like they were in the party zone! The bottom line is that the big picture is going out of control and ushering in the gold parabola zone.

I guess I'll see you in the breadlines with all your gold and gold certificates, if you don't get robbed first. Maybe I'll trade you 8 oz of venison for 8 oz of gold - lol! If the masses are starving because of the lack of food, do you think your gold is going to be worth much? Also, the less your domestic currency is worth, the more tax you will have to pay when you dispose of your gold for whatever reason. But have you really gained anything in real purchasing power? It's more likely you'll have much less purchasing power and have to give up a portion of it to pay tax - lol! And the government is going to sit there and do nothing while the currency devalues? I think your scenario is a little unlikely. But if you do think things will get that bad, perhaps you'd be better consider buying some fertile land in a less populated area, some live stock, seed and light farm implements to become more self sufficient and productive. If you have the dough, perhaps you could buy a solar power system and wind generator and get off the grid. Why bother standing in a bread line when you can make your own? If you can provide for yourself and your family, why would you need currency or gold? Set up your own trading outpost with your own banking system, just like they did in the pioneer days. When you speculate with precious metals and currency, you gain very little in real purchasing power. Any gains and stores you do have won't last very long. Productivity will bring you the most wealth. In fact, that is one of the biggest reasons countries are in the shape they're in. They're no longer self sufficient and create/produce very little - one of the sad realities of global wealth redistribution.
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The liquidity of gold and fiat currency are not equal.

I know, money will go up in flames when gold reaches the temperature of liquidty.
You have heard from me on this gold reaction. Now hear from the extremely accurate Alf fields:
“The good news is that once the anticipated correction has been completed, gold should commence intermediate Wave 3 of Major 3. This should be the longest and strongest up-wave of the entire Bull Market. Expect high volatility and very high prices during that up-wave.”

Now let’s here from Kenny Adams, Master Technician, on long term trends:

“So far we have the potential for a topping action that may generate a moderate to deep correction – but not a long extended correction – not a termination of a bull trend.”

Now lets hear from Dean of Gold, Harry Schultz:

“Don’t bother me now. Call me when gold trades at $2400.”
So stop worrying. At the worst this is a fast, deep correction before much, much higher prices for Gold.

Jim Sinclair
And yet you refuse to accept the definitions of basic terms like economics and money, while accusing other people of not having facts.

Easy to solve, post 'em.
What I find amusing is how many people buy "virtual" gold preparing for the collapse created by the big bad banks... In the end they are trusting that there was some actual gold and not some "fiat" gold that was created, wait for it.... by the big bad banks (or someone just like them)! I know some here claim to be stock piling it in their basement...

As I said before it is about end game, if you think that there will be a full and complete collapse then bags of gold are not going to help you because someone with a bigger better gun will just take them from you. Buying gold only works if the end game is a partial collapse and you sell before the correction, all comes down to timing. The people ALREADY bunkered in the hills are not going to let you in with your bags of gold, but they will take the gold.

If you are buying virtual gold because you do not trust the "banks" keep in mind who you just bought that gold from!
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