Harris had an excellent writeup on the Broadley here
^^I'd hunt you down for that. ....
You'd be Brian
I should buy this and beat the **** out of it just to annoy you...
Right hand drive and right hand shift. Sounds like a joy to drive in North America. Legendary is generally overpriced too
Anyone else waste time on http://bringatrailer.com/ lol
Their current auction has some cool stuff... this 68 Dart is badass http://bringatrailer.com/listing/1967-dodge-dart/ (it just needs a twin turbo LSx or something equally stupid under the hood)
The Z and the E28 M5 are really cool too
I would have passed that van faster on a bicycle. Nooooo ballsAnother great one take from Matt
sonny you wanna bankroll my Testarossa purchase its a no-brainer http://wwwb.autotrader.ca/a/Ferrari/Testarossa/SAULT+STE+MARIE/Ontario/5_23638143_20130916120408149/
I'll do the engine out service and all that jazz, we'll get it up to snuff, beat on it for a few years and then make $100k on it! Its fool-proof, especially if we only use your money.
We can get linen suits and matching Bren-Tens just like Crockett
Run...run far away from that car.
That specific one or all of em? Its just an 80s car... I could do all the service myself. Its not as if I'll actually buy it, but its a good investment no doubt. Testarossa is one of the most iconic Ferraris and they're on the up.
I've never met anyone who's paid the Stoopid Tax at Legendary. I'm sure they're out there, but never met one.