The best thing I ever did

My Dad wasn't religious,and neither am I.But i listened to him tell me about the serenity prayer from an early age.It was done in needlepoint by my grandmother and was framed and hung at home in the family room.All my life it's been in the back of my little pea brain.

God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference.
26 years ago moved to Canada for work even though I knew nobody here at all.
10 years later left my job with no new one lined up because I decided I shouldn't have to be unhappy in my work
2 years ago started my motorcycle journey when I wrote my M1.
Quit smoking 4 years ago, and left the bigger house in the suburbs a year ago for a smaller place in the city.
Got divorced and been really happy returned again. Oh and bought my first motorcycle at 40 and started track days at 42 best choice I have as of yet.
Coming to Canada itself is a pinnacle achievement, now I'm riding F800GT,Not (Royal Enfield) anymore,
Thank you Canada
Free Tibet

Royal Enfield 1997

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Without a doubt it would be giving up a well-paying corporate job to start my own business.
I prefer to look forward and not back.

I quit smoking. Not sure how long but it's been years.

Got divorced after 15 years of marriage and 3 kids.

Found chasing after things to replace the happiness I wanted from my relationship was a fools errand.

I don't let the little things bother me as much.

I've adjusted my train of thought about my career. It was always about climbing the ladder and proving myself.

Now? I do what I do. Take pride in the work but find time for myself and family. Work smarter. Not harder.

I'm successful by finding peace and self awareness.

By having a good job. Enjoying my kids. Enjoying another relationship. Enjoying riding.

Trying new things. Treasuring what I have. Letting go of anger and resentment and materialistic possessions.

Try and be humble and live my life to feel good in my own skin. Not for someone else's approval.

The best is yet to come.

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My boy. He's the highlight of my life. I'm getting healthier and taking better care of myself just so I can be around for him longer. I want to do things and live life so that I can be a positive example and someone that he can be proud of.
Best thing I ever did was help bring two incredible young ladies into this world. The rest is just gravy.
Not really one thing, but so many individual things that always helped.

Ditched a superficial girlfriend only to end up with an amazing partner
Left a great office job and chose to work outside for something that made me happy
Sold the car and started riding
Stopped smoking cigarettes and took up running
Gave up eating meat and started growing my own veggies
Sold the condo and got a house with all I could ever want
Work less and volunteer more

I'll second saying I respect that list tremendously. Ive always wanted to message you for one of your 518 rides but I kind of already have a few guys I ride with up north. I would like to expand my friend list with those of similar personalities and interests. Maybe this year we can meet and do a nice muskoka run. My parents live up there, my mom will make us lunch ;)

I feel by reading your posts on this forum we might have a lot in common. Cheers mate.

Ps, so far, quitting smoking has been a big accomplishment, considering I smoked over a pack a day for almost 20 years. I bought a new car with the money I saved.

Next on the list is to be a home owner. ;)
For me it's a few things. Was always chasing the girl that I thought I wanted, and then when I had her it wasn't what it was cracked up to be. Repeat the cycle again and again, then I gave up that thought process and found a beautiful woman with whom I share a life with. Just because we think we want something we may find out it's not actually what we need.

Other thing was starting to work out again, after my minor surgery for cancer I said enough of wheezing and growing horizontally and got myself a gym membership and started going progressively more often. I'm now at 5/6 days a week of weight lifting and feel better than I ever have in my life. To add to that I need to dial in the diet as I've lost weight, gained some muscle but the beer belly remains :(
I was sitting with a guy that said to me, if your tired of people telling you that you suck, stop sucking. It was like some Hindu Karma enlightenment moment and I've applied it ever since.
You need no special training to try hard, work with passion, be nice to people (in real life , not on a forum), and help people with zero interest in what its doing for you.
Suck less.
I realized I couldn't stand working for big business so I started my own one man endeavor. It can be demanding but I don't have to answer to bean counters or greedy shareholders demanding more more more.
Been a single parent for over 8 years, kids were 10 (boy), 12 and 13 (girls) when we started this journey, did it financially and physically by myself.
26 years ago moved to Canada for work even though I knew nobody here at all.

Sounds familiar ;)
Except for me it was almost 24 years ago also quit smoking and met my wife to be shortly thereafter...1992 was definitely a year to remember for me :)
I moved to ontario 8 years ago

edit) actually that wasn't the best thing that happened in my life, i miss Quebec city a lot! but things have happened thanks to that move
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