The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread

I remember cracking all the fuel lines on an old tractor after running it dry. That was a pain. I've fuel starved a modern diesel once when it was crazy cold and it gelled but that obviously didn't introduce air so when it warmed up it was fine. I can't imagine this truck will be happy. Hell, dumping in 5 gallons may not even be enough to get the pickup fully submerged so you may not even be making progress when you start cranking.
I bled all the injectors but a mechanic told me often just one will get things going. Even a gas car might not restart on one gallon. And diesel smells so nice as it lingers. SF
@PrivatePilot how upset are modern diesels when you run them dry? What a moron. Not sure if he was trying to make it to cardlock just up the street or what but I can't imagine the fuel system will appreciate this treatment. This happened in Barrie this morning.

Who hasn't got caught up from relying on modern technology and believing that fuel is only a few turns away only to get caught up by a road closure or similar nonsense.
A few times in my travels my reliance on conveniences like GPS have had me very worried about making it to the next fuel stop due to a bridge out or other road closure.
Or he could just have been a idiot.
GPS and gas stations are a crap shoot. I don't know if it's American thinking but mine indicates every convenience store as a gas station.

If I understand correctly, when you search the GPS for a gas station it gives them in order of the nearest first.

The nearest might be a kilometer away but on the other side of the river and the bridge to cross the river is 10 kilometers upstream.
GPS and gas stations are a crap shoot. I don't know if it's American thinking but mine indicates every convenience store as a gas station.

If I understand correctly, when you search the GPS for a gas station it gives them in order of the nearest first.

The nearest might be a kilometer away but on the other side of the river and the bridge to cross the river is 10 kilometers upstream.
Long ago when on a bike trip using a Garmin Street Pilot III, I was getting really low on gas in NS. It told me the closest gas was 60 km north of me (across the bay of fundy). Driving distance to actually get to that gas station was almost 500 km. At the time maps weren't entirely complete (every road on the east coast was called "road" and the processor struggled with long routes (calculated PEI to ON took about 15 minutes).
The wrong way.
On The Gardiner.
At 5:35PM.

Traffic is basically at a standstill on the Gardiner, in both directions, around 5:30pm. I want to know how this guy made his way through that traffic going the wrong way because, quite frankly, I want to know his secret.
Dui and probably using the shoulders/lane splitting. Vehicles are more likely to get out of your way when you are going the wrong way.
The wrong way.
On The Gardiner.
At 5:35PM.

Traffic is basically at a standstill on the Gardiner, in both directions, around 5:30pm. I want to know how this guy made his way through that traffic going the wrong way because, quite frankly, I want to know his secret.
Went past his exit and made a U turn?
Edit: It would be easy to make a u turn in the east end where the Gardiner no longer exits to the Lakeshore.
There are 2 or three lanes that are not used there.
Only caveat would be the cop cars that are sometimes parked there.
Bad spot would be crossing where everyone gets off at Jarvis.
If he kept to the left, he would have ended up here:
Street View · Google Maps
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The road was closed. He entered the construction zone from the unblocked exit.
The centre section is closed. The Gardiner still has two lanes open each way, through the construction area. The only entrances are the construction entrances and there are sections of deck removed, which is presumably when he fell through.
there are sections of deck removed

"If you do not go for the gap you are no longer a racer." - Ayrton Senna

He nailed the gap alright. Dead center.

"If you do not go for the gap you are no longer a racer." - Ayrton Senna

He nailed the gap alright. Dead center.

Oww. If a turban flies off when you crash a cage, it what world would it stay on in a motorcycle crash?
I was always under the impression they had much longer hair underneath that turban. This guy appears to have faked it!
Could be like my dad. His hair stopped growing for a couple of decades.
Oww. If a turban flies off when you crash a cage, it what world would it stay on in a motorcycle crash?
All good, our "free" healthcare will put them back together again...
An hour ago on Belmont Ave Kitchener. BMW suv in front of me at 50kmh accelerates into a snowbank, launches up a hydro pole. Pole will have to be replaced. Elderly woman had no clue what was going on.20250305_164417.jpg
There are no words.

How someone mistakes "cruise control" for "autopilot", after completing a Class A license requirement, is frankly beyond me.
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