The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread


as much as the cab driver was in the wrong lane to make the turn, the rider has themselves to blame as well as if the light was green and the cab was almost still, he was going much too fast with a cab on the left lane not moving at all.. my spider sense would be tingling.. and assumed incorrectly that the cabbie wasn't probably going to turn- Rider should have been more aware .

as much as the cab driver was in the wrong lane to make the turn, the rider has themselves to blame as well as if the light was green and the cab was almost still, he was going much too fast with a cab on the left lane not moving at all.. my spider sense would be tingling.. and assumed incorrectly that the cabbie wasn't probably going to turn- Rider should have been more aware .

I'm going to have to disagree. The cab's brakes came on and the impact occurred maybe as much as two seconds later. Probably less. There's always a point in time beyond which you are simply at the mercy of the other vehicle and are unable to do anything to avoid a collision. The cabbie made a patently illegal move, at a point at which being able to avoid was questionable at best.

as much as the cab driver was in the wrong lane to make the turn, the rider has themselves to blame as well as if the light was green and the cab was almost still, he was going much too fast with a cab on the left lane not moving at all.. my spider sense would be tingling.. and assumed incorrectly that the cabbie wasn't probably going to turn- Rider should have been more aware .

I don't know how your thinking the rider is to blame, you can even see the riders speedo at 35km +/- as they are both traveling the same speed prior to the intersection. You can see the cabbie was still moving in the left lane (look at the wheels) until the line when he hit the brakes and proceeded to turn. Yes the rider should have thought something may be up because cabbies rarely know how to drive but saying that it is his/her fault? C'mon.

THIS is the kind of thing that causes people to lose ALL faith in the politicians and bureaucrats AND POLICE.

What's more dangerous ... someone going 50 km/h above the posted limit in good conditions and good visibility but in the proper direction (and only 20-30 km/h above normal traffic flow) who gets nailed to the wall for doing that, or someone going THE WRONG WAY at highway speed when it's snowing and gets NOTHING??

Mistakes can happen ... you can miss seeing a sign and get in the wrong way, it happens, but shouldn't the sight of traffic going THE OTHER WAY make you STOP before conflicting with that traffic?

Wrong way on the highway should be automatic instant driver's license removal AND a dangerous driving charge.

Being old is no excuse. Being old doesn't help the innocent driver that collides head-on with them.

DAMN! And she was driving along the shoulder it appeared with the heavy slush.
Yeah, probably related to a Politician.
That is crazy how she was not charged.
That would have made for a tragic and messy collision.

Why can't the cops get their plates and at the least pay them a visit as well as notify insurance company?
Clearly this is how they drive.
I don't know how your thinking the rider is to blame, you can even see the riders speedo at 35km +/- as they are both traveling the same speed prior to the intersection. You can see the cabbie was still moving in the left lane (look at the wheels) until the line when he hit the brakes and proceeded to turn. Yes the rider should have thought something may be up because cabbies rarely know how to drive but saying that it is his/her fault? C'mon.

Fair enough comments by Rob and yourself. I'll take another look at the video later. I didnt noticed the cab's brake lights
Why can't the cops get their plates and at the least pay them a visit as well as notify insurance company?
Clearly this is how they drive.

Interesting this was only a few days ago. I'm also actually surprised how many people now run with dash cams. I've been using one for about 18mths myself, but I'm a gadget geek. Surprised no car manufacturer has made them a factory installed feature.

This is f***** insane. I'm pretty sure the original footage captured on camera is a much better quality than processed Youtube version ... make a screenshot and send that as**** licence plate number to police!

Winner, winner, chicken dinner. 1162 posts regarding retarded drivers and you have posted the best one yet.

This has made the news and Yrp are looking for driver. This was a school zone
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One thing I have noticed, is that many of these people with cameras, mostly seem to be in the left lane of multi lane roads. Is there a correlation?
One thing I have noticed, is that many of these people with cameras, mostly seem to be in the left lane of multi lane roads. Is there a correlation?

I think most people like the left lane because left lane = fast lane in the average drivers mind. I have noticed a high amount of people will sit in the left or middle lane regardless of speed and those around them...too many times I have passed people who are in the left hand lane while I am in the right averaging 110km/h and feel no need or desire to move at all. Just like how on any hwy at rush times, the left is the slowest and most congested lane...I personally do not understand it at all.
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One thing I have noticed, is that many of these people with cameras, mostly seem to be in the left lane of multi lane roads. Is there a correlation?

One thing I noticed is that you make comments in regards to people driving in the left lane regardless of the current situation whether it be highway, city streets, starting up from a red light, or complete gridlock.

Traffic isn't only created by left-lane hogs (though it does contribute), it is caused by people making unnecessary, and mostly unsafe lane changes.

Just the other day in the 400 South construction mess, I had a lady 3 lanes to the left cut through all 3 lanes of traffic, completely stopped half way into my lane in front of me because she wasn't sure if she could go (she was already in the lane), and continue cutting 3 lanes to the right to a closing on-ramp/merge lane, to bypass a bit of traffic. I eventually passed her 3 mins later staying in my own lane all the way down to Black Creek. She effectively stopped every lane of traffic to pull her maneuver which is a bigger issue than being in the left lane in heavy traffic.

Was stupid enough for me to save that dashcam clip out of the many things that happen because there was literally an accident every morning commute Mon-Thurs last week on the 400S between Finch and 401E/W/blackcreek in the same section and this is a major contributing factor.

Yes, your comments do have some merit especially in free-flowing highway traffic, but the biggest issue isn't because the driver is in the left lane.
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Traffic isn't only created by left-lane hogs (though it does contribute), it is caused by people making unnecessary, and mostly unsafe lane changes.

Agreed, between unnecessary lane changes and tailgating (or just not allowing room to slow without braking) these are the main causes of our traffic woes. I laugh every time I see someone pass a couple cars in a merge lane or rip down to get ahead instead of matching speed and merging smoothly only to further add to the issues that they are trying to get through.

They need to start introducing a mandatory written test every license renewal and random in car testing, its amazing those out there who have a very limited understanding of how to operate a vehicle on our roads.
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