The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread

QC but similar stupidity could happen here. Privacy regulations cost four lives.

The 57-year-old had lost his Class-1 licence in 2014 after he was involved in a major collision two years earlier, causing him to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

After several attempts to get his licence back, Quebec's automobile insurance board, the Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ), approved the request.

Due to privacy restrictions, the agents did not have access to medical records that showed he was deemed permanently unfit to drive.
What a POS. Spotted driving on 401.

On a related note, there is a ton of this in the US. So many cars with parts busted off and panels caved in. The best I saw was a Subaru that had been rolled. Every panel was smashed, only window was cracked windshield, the rest were plastic bags. Just driving around like nothing was wrong. Runner up goes to a corolla that had been rear-ended. Its tail lights were above its roofline. A few bungee cords to hold the parts on and continue on with life.



Driver was unlicensed. What an idiot. Hard to have a higher heat score.
About 2.5 minutes into this video:

On topic observation: I've seen a TON more OPP enforcement suddenly in the last 3-4 weeks. Like, more than I've seen in the last 5 years. In a lot of places, regularly.

I hope this is some trend towards actually getting out there and cracking down as I'm getting tired of the wild wild west atmosphere.
If the truck slowed down at the beginning the car would have squirt into live lanes. By moving right, truck driver gave it somewhere safe to go to. I may be giving them too much credit.
We don’t see the start of the problem but assuming a bad move by the car, the trucker was in for a penny or in for a pound. Might as well have some fun
Thankfully it's not often that a school bus full of kids is in a bad crash. Best wishes to the kids. ~40 kids on bus, a few sent via land ambulance, one trapped under bus and airlifted.

Obviously no official news on cause yet. They are calling it a single vehicle and it sure looks like bus hit shoulder and then overcorrected twice before rolling.

Thankfully it's not often that a school bus full of kids is in a bad crash. Best wishes to the kids. ~40 kids on bus, a few sent via land ambulance, one trapped under bus and airlifted.

Obviously no official news on cause yet. They are calling it a single vehicle and it sure looks like bus hit shoulder and then overcorrected twice before rolling.

I lost a high school friend in one of those crashes. The intercity bus rolled and his window popped out, him along with it. Super nice guy about to get married.
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