Might not be engineered to take a hit from the roof. It doesn't seem like it would be a common occurrence.
Might not be engineered to take a hit from the roof. It doesn't seem like it would be a common occurrence.
what vehicle did that used to be?Do you think speed was a factor?
You can get a different angle of the vehicle if you go here and go to 1:11
About the only reliably distinctive feature I can see is that it has BBS LM style wheels.
Not Ontario, but worthy of this thread:
That's a fast bastard. DRPS Air one has 222 km/h cruise, 242 km/h never exceed. OPP chopper has 254 km/h, 287 km/h never exceed. Given the right road and conditions, you may be able to get away from Air One, but there are very very few times you could get away from OPP.
"Get away from" would have to be defined rather narrowly, as them not being able to keep up. A copter has the option of hitting a high altitude and letting that veeeery long range camera track you. You could run flat out for 10 Kms and they'd still have you in sight.