That's overkill. Some weight in the bed or a shovel is all he'd need to get going in that situation.no snows... no 4x4.... equals 1 wheel peel all day long lol
Haha! Noice.my own video. please excuse my poor title
That's overkill. Some weight in the bed or a shovel is all he'd need to get going in that situation.
my own video. Please excuse my poor title
The plate number is DUMOS 1, appropriately close to DUMAS 1
I saw one lose a whole sheet of ice off the roof on the curve from DVP to Gardiner into the oncoming traffic. lanes. It's scary seeing a 10' x 40' x 2" sheet of ice coming at you at a relative 200 kph or so. Fortunately, we cleared it, and no one else was nearby. I'm not sure how, but it would be nice if all trucks and cars were better cleared of ice and snow.Much like the transport that was dropping 5 pound blocks of ice all the way down the 410, yesterday morning.
I saw one lose a whole sheet of ice off the roof on the curve from DVP to Gardiner into the oncoming traffic. lanes. It's scary seeing a 10' x 40' x 2" sheet of ice coming at you at a relative 200 kph or so. Fortunately, we cleared it, and no one else was nearby. I'm not sure how, but it would be nice if all trucks and cars were better cleared of ice and snow.
.Where did that happen?