Thank you Witnesses!!!

lil sushi

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My bike was in a hit and run last night.

I was parked on Queen street in front of Dark Horse Cafe. Having a coffee inside with a friend and the server comes up to me and asks, "do you own a black bike?"...

me:"yup, why?"
him: "some people are trying to pick it up"

I run outside, there's noone around, my bike is standing but immediately i notice the back plastics under the seat on the left side is cracked and pushing the seat up, the shifter peg had snapped in half, bubble screen cracked, and handle bars may be slightly bent. My frame slider took most of the beating thank god. There's a note under my seat and another taped to the side of my bike.

"saw your bike get hit...<insert plate here> if there's any damage"
There was another note from another witness as well.

As for the a-hole that hit my note...

I'm furious and call the police to report it, they take down the report, and as I'm on the phone, one of the witnesses (thank goodness) came up and described the man to the operator on the phone. I took down his name and number for insurance purposes, and called around for a bike tow to the collision centre.

As I'm waiting the other guy that left a note came up to me and said he saw the whole thing, left me his name and number.

I'm lucky I've got two witnesses to catch this mofo with.

But who the EFF does that at 6pm on a weeknight on Queen Street?!?!?

pics to damage to bike etc...doesn't look so bad in photos, but I'm still mad, I just got my bike back too...
My bike was in a hit and run last night.

I was parked on Queen street in front of Dark Horse Cafe. Having a coffee inside with a friend and the server comes up to me and asks, "do you own a black bike?"...

me:"yup, why?"
him: "some people are trying to pick it up"

I run outside, there's noone around, my bike is standing but immediately i notice the back plastics under the seat on the left side is cracked and pushing the seat up, the shifter peg had snapped in half, bubble screen cracked, and handle bars may be slightly bent. My frame slider took most of the beating thank god. There's a note under my seat and another taped to the side of my bike.

"saw your bike get hit...<insert plate here> if there's any damage"
There was another note from another witness as well.

As for the a-hole that hit my note...

I'm furious and call the police to report it, they take down the report, and as I'm on the phone, one of the witnesses (thank goodness) came up and described the man to the operator on the phone. I took down his name and number for insurance purposes, and called around for a bike tow to the collision centre.

As I'm waiting the other guy that left a note came up to me and said he saw the whole thing, left me his name and number.

I'm lucky I've got two witnesses to catch this mofo with.

But who the EFF does that at 6pm on a weeknight on Queen Street?!?!?

pics to damage to bike etc...doesn't look so bad in photos, but I'm still mad, I just got my bike back too...

glad to hear you at least had witnesses and notes.
it is easy for anyone else to say dont worry about it, i can completely relate as this did happen to me also.
but the truth is, given the damage, it might not even be worth it to put in a claim.
make sure the insurance company knows it was a not at fault.
not that think you did the damage.
nobody needs higher insurance rates.

when this happened to me i told my isurance company. they put in the claim. i never paid a cent more.
im not sure how things work now, this was a couple years ago. (things may have changed)
just make sure you dont end up taking it in the hoop.

sorry to hear about this.
situation sucks !!!

PS -> nice tank pad. :D
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Did you manage to ride it home (or to a mechanic) with the snapped footpeg? Riding is a real bugger when the footpeg is compromised.
make sure the insurance company knows it was a not at fault.
If your vehicle is damaged while you are not operating it, it is a comprehensive claim. Or so I've been told. Comprehensive claims are never considered at fault so should not affect your rates unless you make so many claims you become "high risk". If you can't find the person that caused it though you will usually have to pay your deductible which kinda sucks.

lil sushi, I hope the guy that did it gets a nice ding on his insurance. Would be nice to see some "leaving the scene of an accident" or whatever charges as well to teach him not to be a dick next time.

Just looked at the pics. Was the tank dented beforehand? If not, that sucks, tanks are expensive.
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but the truth is, given the damage, it might not even be worth it to put in a claim.
make sure the insurance company knows it was a not at fault.
not that think you did the damage.
nobody needs higher insurance rates.

sorry to hear about this.
situation sucks !!!

PS -> nice tank pad. :D

Luckily, I work for an insurance company I know that getting the names and numbers of the witnesses and description of the driver were very important pieces of information to put in a 0% no fault claim. I believe this will go under my Comp coverage, so all is good. The driver however, if he doesn't come clean to a collision centre by 9pm tonight will be charged with 'leaving the scene of an accident' and I believe "carelessness", because he actually got out of the vehicle, looked at my bike, then got back in and left.

It's a hassle, but again, i know how lucky i was to have had witnesses.

ps. I love my tank pad too...that's the girl I get to ride everytime =)
Did you manage to ride it home (or to a mechanic) with the snapped footpeg? Riding is a real bugger when the footpeg is compromised.

I had it towed. better to be safe then angry and riding with a broken peg =)
wtf.. how do you hit an object that has so much room on both sides??

In your Picasa album, there's a picture of the guys note with the plate number :P
Sorry to hear about this. I'm too scared to park in busy areas for this very reason. Glad you had witnesses!
Hopefully the person get the charges they deserve .
Sorry to hear man. I hope this gutless guy gets nailed.

At least I know who to ask about insurance tips in the future. ;)
wtf.. how do you hit an object that has so much room on both sides??

In your Picasa album, there's a picture of the guys note with the plate number :P

he backed up into my bike from the right side, the driver didn't leave that note. that was a witness that taped it to my bike LOL

In one of the photos you'll see how much the kickstand scraped the pavement before it 3 do you not know you hit a 400lb bike?!?
Luckily, I work for an insurance company I know that getting the names and numbers of the witnesses and description of the driver were very important pieces of information to put in a 0% no fault claim. I believe this will go under my Comp coverage, so all is good. The driver however, if he doesn't come clean to a collision centre by 9pm tonight will be charged with 'leaving the scene of an accident' and I believe "carelessness", because he actually got out of the vehicle, looked at my bike, then got back in and left.

It's a hassle, but again, i know how lucky i was to have had witnesses.

ps. I love my tank pad too...that's the girl I get to ride everytime =)

was your bike hit by pegassus? he's on record as saying that's what he would do.
was your bike hit by pegassus? he's on record as saying that's what he would do. know that's EXACTLY what I thought when one of the witnesses told me that...i was's that ****** from the forum here isn't it?! *shakes fist*
Well damn I'd witness for that too!!!
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