Supermoto Practice and introduction lessons


Active member
Supermoto Ontario is hosting a practice June 14 at Shannonville Motorsports Park on the Nelson circuit with a dirt section on the infield. Table tops, burm, step up and small bumps. These are not the size of moto cross jumps. Supermoto is 70% pavement and 30% dirt and normally run with 17" wheels with slick tires, so the track is set up accordingly.

We are please to provide instruction to all riders new and returning on all aspects of supermoto riding:
Bike set up
Safe riding on and off the track

See attached poster and check out our website Feb 1 for registration forms and more information on supermoto. This will include bike tech set up and more. The cost is only $30. Yes, I said $30, tax in, all in, total. Riding begins at 5:30 until Dusk.

We have 3 sets of tires for mx riders with stock wheels supplied by Avon to use at no costs (21" front 19" rear). We kindly ask that you change them onto your own bike. Knobby tires are only allowed in the mini and quad category.

Take advantage of Shannonville's free overnight camping and showers and register for our pavement only track day the following day.

All participants that would like an introduction to supermoto at the June 14 practice please send an email to All skill levels welcome. Flat track set up bikes and quads work well on a supermoto track.

Our events are always geared towards fun and safety. We are non for profit and are in this sport because of the high level of fun and excitement.

See you then! Keith


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    Practice June 14.jpg
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Hey Keith is this just like an hour or so of instruction and then a track practice? or is it instruction-practice-more instruction- more practice. I am interested in attending
Im hoping to attend too - it would be an awesome learning experience for me.
Lessons are always the entire session. I am setting something up a little more formal so we can get started earlier than the track session. A ground school before we fly so to speak. It is always more fun if you can learn some new skills before actually getting onto the track to improve safety and confidence.

I will be taking names. If you are interested in a lesson before getting onto the track, please send an email to

Please indicate if you are on a quad. I will need to make arrangements if you are on a quad with a qualified quad expert.

Also; With all the new pavement at the track, the surface should be awesome!!!

I am doing a formal lesson prior to the track session (see post below). As riders encounter different questions throughout the session, we offer individual assistance as they arise. You will find most track days are like this at other events as well. Basically there is someone available to answer questions as they come up once the lesson is over. This does not mean someone is waiting in the pits in case you need an answer; we all want to ride too. But, there are plenty of people available that will be pointed out at the lesson as points of contact for answers to questions. I hope this clears it up a bit.

I want to take a list of names prior to the practice of those who want a lesson. This will allow me to get the required number of personnel. Send your request to I need the number of names to be sure I can still get the track set up for our session and do a proper lesson.
Awesome. I'm definitively in one way or another. Its just so far away time wise!
Emailed you, Keith.
I will be there all weekend, can't wait. The drive out sucks big time but I'm happy to support SMO.
Awesome. Thanks for post up.
Do we need to be riding a Dual Sport/ Super Moto bike?
is anyone leaving from toronto that can accommodate an extra bike?
and split the gas bill of course :)
ill have to figure a way back if i cant find no one that is only doing the single day
Fun come soon.... Its like Xmas....but no snow. However, there will be a fat man in a suit. :)
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