Sunday Sunrise Ride

We are going East, so we could pick U up in Port Perry at the Tim Hurtons HWY 7 just after 8 AM.

Any ride posted on this Forum is an open ride. PM and text messages BBM etc are used for private rides.
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Yeah, I thought about that but I'd rather get out early, extra riding for me! I'll probably peel off the group on the way back though. Thanks again.
mind if i join in? im in Whitby, so i can meet up with yous at Tims in Port Perry.
I thought it over & I think I'll join you guys in Port Perry as well. I'll be at the Tim Horton's in PP at 7:30 for a coffee so don't forget us on the way by.
Thanks for the ride. Good pace and some fun roads. I'll keep my eye out on here if I'm available to go again some time. Dan
Great ride again today Starshship. Thanks for leading. Hope the "lakeshore group" made it back safe and sound too. See you next weekend, I hope!
Thank you Starship, looking forward to the next one.

That was a close one for me at that last stop ;). Lesson to note is that if you go out of control then aligning yourself straight for a moment and hitting the front brakes can stabilize you.
Great ride this morning and a great pace! Thanks for a great lead Starship! Hopefully we can do that again real soon! "Lakeshore" made it back just fine. Please let me know the next time you are going out. Would love to join again.
Good to see that we are not the only ones that like riding first thing in the morning. Our ride on Sunday was 400 k door to door and I was back by noon in time to make the function I had to attend. As you can see we do more riding than posing

Look for a posting for Sunday shortly, gqelements is working on something interesting.
I might be down for this if I'm not out too late Saturday night....
Ride is on, short one (300 k) this week if weather is decant look for confirmation in the morning.

Meetup: 7am at T-Hortons, Sheppard Ave. East of 404 (usual place)

Leaving at 7.20 and back in town by noon

Pace: spirited but not stupid pace,(+20 posted limit)

M2 and 250cc sportbike minimum to keep pace on 404 and 400

Route: North-West (approx 325 kms)

Please confirm if you are coming and arrive with a full tank as we are only stopping once for gas.
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