Sunday August 4th Ride North, 845 AM - Weston and Rutherford - Tim Hortons - 9 SHARP

Sunday August 4th Ride North, 845 AM - Weston and Rutherford - Tim Hortons - 9

Finally back. Traffic was horrible on the way home. Let me know you got home Alrite Jason. Hope you get that fixed up soon!
Time to get the bike ready for the track.
Re: Sunday August 4th Ride North, 845 AM - Weston and Rutherford - Tim Hortons - 9

hey guys wrinkly wrapped 250 just got home back , sorry didnt wait at the end , didnt want to stuck in traffic ... thanks for the ride , beautiful weather and nice roads and yummy chicken wings :)...please post the pics so i can download them...:)
Re: Sunday August 4th Ride North, 845 AM - Weston and Rutherford - Tim Hortons - 9

Great ride guys - Jason did msg me, he is home - safe now! Hope everyone made it home ok..... :)

Thanks to professor, Mike.... and Joe....and everyone! :)
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Re: Sunday August 4th Ride North, 845 AM - Weston and Rutherford - Tim Hortons - 9

hey guys what a great ride today was, beautiful day, nice weather, nice roads. I had a lot of fun riding with you all today, I really enjoy this group and I am looking forward to ride with you guys again, thank you Dhruv K for leading the group I did saw you at the end when you guys pull over but me and motorsiklet kept going like he said we didnt want to get stuck in traffic. Nice riding to all of you and hope to see you guys soon. Ps I am the guy with the Yamaha R1 once again my name is George nice meeting you all.
Re: Sunday August 4th Ride North, 845 AM - Weston and Rutherford - Tim Hortons - 9

Pictures posted on Facebook - you can IM me and so that I can add and show you..
Re: Sunday August 4th Ride North, 845 AM - Weston and Rutherford - Tim Hortons - 9

Hey guys,

First off BIG THANKS to all of you for helping me out. You guys were so quick to get right in help out despite the messy and wet conditions. Had I been alone or with just another guy or two it would have been a whole different scenario trying to get the bike out.

I'm fine just my heel and ankle ache a bit, they took quite a lot of weight when I landed in the pond and the bike ended up in my lap...I tried to get it off but couldn't and it was all mushy around me...

You hear a bike go past in the video and I was like "**** he missed me and they're all gonna ride past" So I started calling for help without trying to sound like pussy, lol, luckily I was answered on my second cry. Thanks again to all you guys, I couldn't have got back without you.

It looks like I did go down on the gravel in the corner, you see the handlebars wobble, trying to control it, it straightened and since there was no shoulder down I went...I'll put up the video soon.

Damages are minimal, just the front fender which I have a spare and the front signal. Didn't really get much other damage, although my shifter got loose on the highway and I lost the bolt holding it. I zip tied it and made it home in 6th...had a spare of that too so I'm good to go.

Here are some pictures Dhruv wanted me to post...




I love this one, Josh took off his socks rolled up his pants, no hesitation like he was gonna go wrangle a ****ing gator...


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Re: Sunday August 4th Ride North, 845 AM - Weston and Rutherford - Tim Hortons - 9

WOW Jason you the man,glad loneronning is ok
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Re: Sunday August 4th Ride North, 845 AM - Weston and Rutherford - Tim Hortons - 9

dude glad you are ok , it could have been worse , call it a soft landing...
Re: Sunday August 4th Ride North, 845 AM - Weston and Rutherford - Tim Hortons - 9

Had a great day, even with my customs work.
Hey guys,

First off BIG THANKS to all of you for helping me out. You guys were so quick to get right in help out despite the messy and wet conditions. Had I been alone or with just another guy or two it would have been a whole different scenario trying to get the bike out.

I'm fine just my heel and ankle ache a bit, they took quite a lot of weight when I landed in the pond and the bike ended up in my lap...I tried to get it off but couldn't and it was all mushy around me...

You hear a bike go past in the video and I was like "**** he missed me and they're all gonna ride past" So I started calling for help without trying to sound like pussy, lol, luckily I was answered on my second cry. Thanks again to all you guys, I couldn't have got back without you.

It looks like I did go down on the gravel in the corner, you see the handlebars wobble, trying to control it, it straightened and since there was no shoulder down I went...I'll put up the video soon.

Damages are minimal, just the front fender which I have a spare and the front signal. Didn't really get much other damage, although my shifter got loose on the highway and I lost the bolt holding it. I zip tied it and made it home in 6th...had a spare of that too so I'm good to go.

Here are some pictures Dhruv wanted me to post...[/IMG



I love this one, Josh took off his socks rolled up his pants, no hesitation like he was gonna go wrangle a ****ing gator...



I think you did the right thing by calling for help. I was really surprised I hear you over my exhaust, but when I saw you hit the ditch I knew you would need help. I was hoping that the bike wasn't on your chest & drowning in 1 foot of water, lol.

Thanks for organizing guys
Finally made it home, nice meeting everyone today, hope we all can get together again soon and thanks to Dhruv K for leading the group.
Re: Sunday August 4th Ride North, 845 AM - Weston and Rutherford - Tim Hortons - 9

So this is what it looked like from my pov...

It looks to me I had a good entry but you can catch the wobble in bottom of the screen and by that point I was already headed off the road; I didn't have any room for recovery.

When I was down there there I tried to get the bike off me but I had no leverage with it right there in my lap and my feet pinned, then I heard a bike ride past and figured only a cyclist or pedestrian would hear me now...but help was around the corner.

I feel what should have been recorded was you guys helping to pull the bike up out of there. I did not expect we'd be able to do it with manpower nor did I know you guys would be so willing to help get it out of that mucky mess. Thanks, I owe you guys!

edit: my cousin uploaded this video because I don't have an account. I told him to make it best quality, the idiot put that in the title and selected the worst quality for the actual video...

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Re: Sunday August 4th Ride North, 845 AM - Weston and Rutherford - Tim Hortons - 9

Vid quality is low but looks like that turn was pretty lethal given all the gravel/dirt on the ground. Glad to see you're alright though.
Sunday August 4th Ride North, 845 AM - Weston and Rutherford - Tim Hortons - 9

We went back and took a look. Basically where Jason started his turn was
Nice and tight. Which was smart. Because on the right is a dirt road. And obviously as cars go in and out they bring gravel with them. But with that being said there was a nice bit
Rite along the yellow line.

But hey anything to help buddy. As i said I am NOT an out doors guy!!! Lol. But didn't care about jumping in the soup. Was more worried about a leach and 15 guys pissing on my legs to get them off.
You stupid exhaust cost me some ink touch ups ahahah.
You couldn't have landed in a better spot. Note the tree to the left of your entry!!
Maybe I read over. But don't forget to
Mention the quick E stop on the hwy cause somebody didnt tighten then Allan bolt up and was stuck in 6th gear
The whole way home around major mac lol.

Good ride though guys!
Re: Sunday August 4th Ride North, 845 AM - Weston and Rutherford - Tim Hortons - 9

The tree you missed looked very close. Sorry to hear of your crash....glad you survived your ordeal. Get well soon. Unfortunately we had someone crash on our Sunday ride too. Wrecked his new bike but most importantly walked away from it. Not to criticize the rider, my take on the video. (thanks for sharing). BTW I am doubly glad you are OK. 1. Frame 26 - yellow warning sign - sharp left turn (posted speed 25 kmph?). 2. Frame 29 - visible sand on road (less in right tire track) (no time to brake?). 3. Frame 30 - leaning into turn - on, near or over the yellow line. 4. Frame 31 - leaning and slipping across the sand (braking/sliding?). 5. Frame 32 - no more lean or grit on road (eyes focused on ditch?). Glad you had some buddies to help you out. Ride Safe. Of course hind sight is 20/20 just my take on the video... Note to self... don't forget to scan the road conditions - ride safer - and remember it only takes a split second.
Last edited: many hours in total????

We left Timmies @ Weston at 9am, I got home 10:30pm = 13.5 hours. 875kms total.

Essenville, Elephant Lake, Peterson was clean, no cars, no traffic. For a solid hour I was the only vehicle on the road. Glorious.

No 507....Spidey sense told me to stay away.
Josh..... in that video your hair was a mess when you took off your lid LOL I think seabreeze is right on in his take on the crash.Doing 1300 kms can get you a phenomenal day doing premium twistys in PA which the muskoka area cannot compare to not even close.But I guess this is the best Ontario has to offer

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