Hey guys,
First off BIG THANKS to all of you for helping me out. You guys were so quick to get right in help out despite the messy and wet conditions. Had I been alone or with just another guy or two it would have been a whole different scenario trying to get the bike out.
I'm fine just my heel and ankle ache a bit, they took quite a lot of weight when I landed in the pond and the bike ended up in my lap...I tried to get it off but couldn't and it was all mushy around me...
You hear a bike go past in the video and I was like "**** he missed me and they're all gonna ride past" So I started calling for help without trying to sound like pussy, lol, luckily I was answered on my second cry. Thanks again to all you guys, I couldn't have got back without you.
It looks like I did go down on the gravel in the corner, you see the handlebars wobble, trying to control it, it straightened and since there was no shoulder down I went...I'll put up the video soon.
Damages are minimal, just the front fender which I have a spare and the front signal. Didn't really get much other damage, although my shifter got loose on the highway and I lost the bolt holding it. I zip tied it and made it home in 6th...had a spare of that too so I'm good to go.
Here are some pictures Dhruv wanted me to post...
I love this one, Josh took off his socks rolled up his pants, no hesitation like he was gonna go wrangle a ****ing gator...
I think you did the right thing by calling for help. I was really surprised I hear you over my exhaust, but when I saw you hit the ditch I knew you would need help. I was hoping that the bike wasn't on your chest & drowning in 1 foot of water, lol.
Thanks for organizing guys