Sun. June 10th, 7AM. GUNS, GUNS, GIRLS AND MORE GUNS!!! Near London, ride from Scarb

What will people be doing with their gear (jackets, boots)??
What will people be doing with their gear (jackets, boots)??
Hanging it over their bikes.

I'm riding down in my bathing suit, but I don't recommend that for everyone ;)

I would suggest NOT wearing your moto boots, unless you are bringing comfortable shoes in a backpack.

-Jamie M.
Hanging it over their bikes.

I'm riding down in my bathing suit, but I don't recommend that for everyone ;)

I would suggest NOT wearing your moto boots, unless you are bringing comfortable shoes in a backpack.

-Jamie M.

You planning on swimming at the gun range? :lol: Do people usually lock their gear to their bike or is it safe enough to leave on the bike like that?
You planning on swimming at the gun range? :lol: Do people usually lock their gear to their bike or is it safe enough to leave on the bike like that?
My criminal record prohibits me from handling guns, so I will be dropping you guys off and heading to the beach for the day ;)

Other than those shady brampton peeps that usually show up, your gear will be safe. No issues last year. There's usually always some peeps hanging around, you are parking right in front of the place :)

With that many guns around, not sure peeps would be brave enough to try anything :D

-Jamie M.
I may tag along to this, looks like a lot of fun. But, I'm one of those guys that lives too far west to come to KC, so if you see a dark grey R6 on the shoulder at Guelph line with a pillion gimme a quick flash with those yellow HIDs and I'll slot in at the back.
Ummm, forgot to say. I bought a new bike, it's got regular dual projector low beams, white I guess. I'll still try and remember to flash ya!!! When I flash, all four bulbs light up :D


-Jamie M.
will join up at cambridge
Sounds good. Been gettin lots of PM's, there will be bikes ALL OVER the side of the highway :D

-Jamie M.
Ummm, forgot to say. I bought a new bike, it's got regular dual projector low beams, white I guess. I'll still try and remember to flash ya!!! When I flash, all four bulbs light up :D


-Jamie M.

Haha sounds good. I'll be at Guelph line on a grey '07 R6 with a pillion wearing a blue jacket. I'll also have a black 04 1000rr with me. But it sounds like we'll be able to pick out the big ass group ripping thru at 7:30 lol.
Thanks Jamie, 3 of us will be joining from Guelph line ramp (off 401), we will be ready for 7 45 AM.
Sure.... we will fill up @ Petro that is off 401 and Guelph line.... and then head back to be ready - parked off the ramp.
I hope you folks are all happily blasting away. However - pictures and videos or it didn't happen :)
Great ride. Shout outs to everyone at the Guelph Line on ramp, the couple that gave me a water bottle, and Jamie for organizing/leading.

Asian guy with the camera phone pic, please upload the pictures at the rifle range! :)
Great ride..... lots of fun! thanks Jamie for organizing...and leading.
Good ride, awesome day.
Here's me with the 375 H&H.

I told the guy to give me something I'll remember. He told me that this one would give me something to bring home with me. It did, 2 from that and 10 with a 30-06 and my shoulder hurts now lol
Enjoy, pics might be a bit big though...


Grandaddy Garand


M4 Carbine

More Rifles

Desert Eagle, 500 S&W



whoever was shooting with me send me a PM and I will forward your pics
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on the way home my right side fairing came half off. Now iv got a small crack and some rash. Lucky for me a guy in his pickup stopped and had tools to get the fairing back on.

I shot the 2 smallest hand guns. then shot 10round of 30-06 and 10rounds of 300 win mag. Then waiting 2h in line for the .50 sniper rifle. i bought enough tickets to shoot 5 .50 rounds but they had a limit of 2 since the wait was so long. sold my leftover tickets for a steal since i didnt want to stand in line any longer.
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