Sun. June 10th, 7AM. GUNS, GUNS, GIRLS AND MORE GUNS!!! Near London, ride from Scarb

It's everyone's favourite!

Not mine :). I found .50 Desert Eagle very unwieldy to handle and shoot (not hard, just bulky and unnatural feeling). It simply screams "overkill". On the other hand, .454 Casull was a pure joy to shoot. It felt much more natural to me, aimed instinctively and the fact that it's single action (you have to manually cock it for every shot) is just as badass as anything :).

On another note, I'll have to sit this one out :(. Someone blast a few from that Casull for me.
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Any stops for gas, by the way? Map shows 200km from KC, on a full tank I'd usually be into reserve by that point
There's a stop around the 160km mark for fuel. We had some Duc's last year that had their fuel light come on around 150! lol.

-Jamie M.
Vlad please give a list of Guns to shoot :) . Ill try to video each one for you. My wife is also coming and excited.
I got only one experience in shooting a 9mm and wife got zero.
Would they allow me to wear/ record using gopro on chest harness or headband?
Would they allow me to wear/ record using gopro on chest harness or headband?
Yep, they'd allow you to record if hands free.

-Jamie M.
I may tag along to this, looks like a lot of fun. But, I'm one of those guys that lives too far west to come to KC, so if you see a dark grey R6 on the shoulder at Guelph line with a pillion gimme a quick flash with those yellow HIDs and I'll slot in at the back.
I may tag along to this, looks like a lot of fun. But, I'm one of those guys that lives too far west to come to KC, so if you see a dark grey R6 on the shoulder at Guelph line with a pillion gimme a quick flash with those yellow HIDs and I'll slot in at the back.
Sounds like a plan :)

When I flash my HID's my right side projector will blink on/off and no change on left side ;)

-Jamie M.
This sounds awesome....I may meet you guys there. I'm not inclined to book it to s-town to meet up. Maybe I'll wait on an overpass.

I didn't even know ranges had open houses like this.
Vlad please give a list of Guns to shoot :) . Ill try to video each one for you.

Shooting is an individual experience, so different people will like different guns. However, if you hold it properly no gun will throw you on your ***** or hurt you in any way like you can see in the movies. When in doubt, ask the fine folks at the range how to handle it and they will show you (there is always someone right by your side or very close by when you shoot). Being comfortable with a weapon and confident in your ability to shoot it is very important. Get a solid grip with both hands at first until you get a feel of it and don't feel rushed to shoot.

I'd start at the indoor range because that's where the lineups form first (all handguns are there). Shoot a good revolver and a good automatic (say a Colt .45 in both cases) as much as you can afford (you can shoot two guns per session and then you have to go back in line).

Next stop would be military rifles. AK47 and M16 are obvious choices for those that never shot a modern assault weapon, if nothing else than to see what the difference is. I would also try a WWII bolt action rifle like a Mauser 8mm, but beware - those do have a very strong recoil, harder than all other rifles I've shot. Still manageable if you hold it tight.

Shotguns are fun and relatively inexpensive. Recoil is quite manageable and aiming instinctive. Above all, it's fun shooting flying targets out in the open :). Inexperienced people can start here. If the mere sight of a shotgun doesn't scare them away they will be pleasantly surprised with how easy they are to shoot and even hit the target with.

I haven't found anything of interest to me at the 300m range. .50 BMG is awesome to look at, hear, shoot and spectacularly miss with :), but at $15 a shot you won't be getting much practice.

The "kids" range has a whole bunch of .22 rifles. They are fun to shoot and ammo is dirt cheap. You can finish your tour there - I haven't seen any lineup. This would also be a place to start with people afraid of guns.

As far as calibers go, don't get too hooked up on anything particular. .50 is cool, but more common/smaller ones are considerably cheaper, so you'll get more bang(s) for your buck.

Enjoy and take a lot of pictures/videos. As Jamie said, hands-free is fine. Unfortunately you can't have your wife take close-up pictures of you while you shoot (no one else is allowed at the line of fire) but if you ask your "mentor" they'll likely be happy to take a few shots.
Thanks for the input. Ill have mu gopro on chest mount. Looking forward to a great weekend.
Thanks for the input. Ill have mu gopro on chest mount. Looking forward to a great weekend.
Headband might be better, the angle your body should be at when you shoot most rifles would prevent a chest mounted camera from capturing very much.


If the camera is on a headband and looking where your eyes look, it should capture all the action.

-Jamie M.
Hope it doesn't rain...
see you all at 7 am
hey guys i am coming from etobicoke i will have to leave extra early can we make the meetup time like 7 :30 instead ?
Please don't change the time :sleepy3:
hey guys i am coming from etobicoke i will have to leave extra early can we make the meetup time like 7 :30 instead ?
Dude, roll out is at 7! Just roll in at 6:59 and don't take your helmet off and ride out with us at 7!!!

Please don't change the time :sleepy3:
Nothin on this earth will delay us, NOTHING! *knocks on wood*

-Jamie M.
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your original post says 7 and so does Facebook
your original post says 7 and so does Facebook
Ahhh, yes yes, ignore me, I had to get up early this morning so I'm a little foggy. The posted times are correct.

-Jamie M.
Anyone from this ride got a point and shoot I could borrow? Are you alone with your mentor when you shoot, or do the logistics allow you to borrow a neighbour's camera?
Anyone from this ride got a point and shoot I could borrow? Are you alone with your mentor when you shoot, or do the logistics allow you to borrow a neighbour's camera?
You are alone with the instructor, and generally random people aren't allowed in the "hot" area of the range. If you give the camera to your instructor he may or may not take your picture.

Good excuse to pick up a Go Pro and get the headband mount ;)

-Jamie M.
Just to double clarify we departing from kc at 7am sharp correct?
Just to double clarify we departing from kc at 7am sharp correct?
Yep, triple, quadruple checked, leaving right at 7am sharp!

Final note to everyone:

1. BRING A PARKING PUCK! If you don't have one, those thick soup can lids work OK. Or crush a pop can flat!!

2. Bring a hat. They are calling for 32 degrees and sunny for Springfield tomorrow! I don't want anyone getting sun stroke!

3. Arrive at KC with A FULL TANK OF GAS and an empty bladder! We'll be riding for 2 HOURS STRAIGHT!

That is all.

See ya's bright and early!

-Jamie M.
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