Sun. June 10th, 7AM. GUNS, GUNS, GIRLS AND MORE GUNS!!! Near London, ride from Scarb


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Last years thread:!!!-Near-London-ride-from-Scarb

Official this years thread:

This is this years official GROUP RIDE THREAD! :)

Ok folks, here it is. The most mind blowing fun you'll ever have in one day guaranteed =)

Facebook event page:

Sunday, June 10th, 2011. EESA Open House (Near Woodstock/Aylmer/Springfield/London, ONT). Gun range is open to the public ONCE A YEAR! THIS IS IT! Over 100 guns for you to try! Handguns (BIG ONES TOO!), Military style rifles (BIG ONES TOO! YOU MUST SHOOT THE .50BMG!!!), old WW2 style rifles (M1 garand hits hard), shotguns (short tactical style plus hunting types too), archery stuff, etc., etc.!! 300 meter outdoor sniper range, 100 meter outdoor rifle range, indoor handgun range (with paper targets you get to keep to brag about your shooting ability or lack there of. You're not allowed to shoot at pictures of people, even Osama, etc.).

COST: $10 admission plus you pay COST for ammo that you use in whatever guns you choose. Some guns are cheap (like .22 guns you get a bunch of bullets for $1) and some are super expensive (.50BMG is usually around $10 per shot). 9mm handgun is cheap. Military 5.56/.223 stuff is cheap, etc. etc. There will be a price board hung up at each range station. Works good to say "that bullet looks like fun, show me what guns can use that" or vice versa with asking what ammo that "cool" gun uses. When you walk in the front entrance buy "ammo tickets" at the admission desk ($1 each). Buy a bunch cause you don't want to have run from the range back to the admission gate to buy more tickets!!

WEATHER: Will be a dry weather ride only. No rain date is available. Live weather radar will be checked throughout the night and a prediction given by 6am morning of. No "professional" weather forecasts will be taken into consideration.

FOOD: Food is available all day. BBQ stuff, hotdogs, burgers, drinks, etc. Not sure if they have veggie options but I would assume not. Super reasonable prices.

ROUTE: Hwy 401, there and back, nothing interesting.

PACE: At least +30 on the highway (that pretty much excludes you CBR 125 peeps).

TIME: I'm thinking we'll meet up at KC at 6:30am for a 7am roll out. That should put us at the gun range around 10am and give everyone lots of time to shoot (it closes at 5pm). I know, I know. Peeps are sayin "DAMN, that's early yo!" yeah yeah, remember last year? We got there at noon, wasn't too busy. By 1pm it was like a 1hr wait to shoot one gun! We don't want that again, so we're getting there EARLY!

q. What/where is KC?
a. See sig.

q. Hey, I'm from timbucktu and KC is out of my way, can you meet us on your way?
a. No. Want to ride with us? Sit on the side of Hwy 401 and watch for my yellow headlights.

q. Who's allowed to shoot? Do I need a gun license?
a. ANYONE is allowed to shoot. No license required. They don't check your ID, fingerprint you, retina scan, DNA test, background check, etc. It doesn't matter how old you are, what colour you are or what your "background" is, you're welcome to fondle whatever gun you choose.

q. I don't know how to shoot a gun.
a. That's not a question but I'll answer it anyway. A licensed instructor takes every person, 1 on 1, with whatever gun you choose. He shows you how to load it, handle it, shoot it, etc.

q. How many guns am I allowed to shoot?
a. As many as you have money for ammo =). One at a time of course. No they won't let you hold one in each arm and shoot them, and no "shooting from the hip" either. They lets you fire as fast as you want. Super fun on the .22's with 25rd mags =)

q. Can I get my picture taken with said gun?
a. Maybe. Due to the secure nature of the "hot" range area it's difficult for random people to get in there to take pictures. If you as the shooter have a camera with you and you get a nice instructor they might take a pic of you AFTER you have finished shooting said gun and it is UNLOADED and "PROVED" safe.

q. What clothing is appropriate for the range?
a. The shells coming out of the guns are HOT and don't feel nice when they land on your feet when you're wearing flip flops, etc. Bring a hat (for the sunny weather, not really for the guns, lol)!

q. What safety gear do I need?
a. None. It will be provided for you by the range. Your motorcycle ear plugs will work fine for shooting the guns. They will provide safety glasses and ear muffs for those that don't have plugs. **WEAR PLUGS! You have no idea how annoying everyones exhaust will be the entire ride down there =)

q. I'm a girl, can I shoot a gun?
a. Absolutely. Girls get special attention there =) Plus, they tend to be a way better shot then any of the guys!

q. Can I bring my own gun(s)?
a. Absolutely not. Licensed/registered or otherwise. This event is using the ranges guns and members of that ranges guns. Please leave all your own guns, silencers, ammo and other explosives at home please and thank you.

A few members and a few of their guns (this pic is at the 100m rifle range):

(The big silver and back one upper left is the .50 BMG :D)

Hope to see EVERYONE out for this =)

-Jamie M.
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I am definitely in ................Never shot a gun in my life so this is going to be fun .
I am definitely in ................Never shot a gun in my life so this is going to be fun .
It's super fun! The staff there are really excellent! They'll show you how to load it, how to hold it, and how to shoot it :) No worries if you haven't done it before. Start small (.22), handgun or rifle. Then step up to 9mm and .223/5.56, and once you get your nerve up the Desert Eagle .50AE handgun and the anti tank rifle .50BMG :)

-Jamie M.
Ok folks, here it is. The most mind blowing fun you'll ever have in one day guaranteed =)

Second that. Its very safe and very well organized. It doesn't matter if you never shot a gun before, the folks there will be with you all the way and show you the ropes. It doesn't even matter if you are afraid of guns - I'm sure after this experience you won't be any more. So bring your wife, kids, parents, even your mother-in-law (no, they won't let you use her as a target).

You name it, they have it :)

This little .22 is dirt cheap to shoot, has no recoil whatsoever and is nearly impossible to miss with. A five year old can shoot it.

The mighty .454 Casull (think .44 magnum on steroids) is not for the faint of heart but still quite controllable and very accurate.
Might be in this year! Remember the thread from last year and it sounded like it would be a lot of fun. Another newbie here, never shot a gun before
I am in! I wish we could use some Fully Automatic Rifles. Damn I miss using Ak-47 and PKM.
Whats the minimum CC required ? cuz I know you guys ride a little fast at times...
Second that. Its very safe and very well organized. It doesn't matter if you never shot a gun before, the folks there will be with you all the way and show you the ropes. It doesn't even matter if you are afraid of guns - I'm sure after this experience you won't be any more. So bring your wife, kids, parents, even your mother-in-law (no, they won't let you use her as a target).

You name it, they have it :)
OMG, is that an HK SL8 I see on the rack?!?! *cry* talk about an amazing gun! Fine piece of German engineering right there. If it's there this year, make sure you shoot it peeps! Uses cheap .223/5.56 ammo, almost non-existent recoil, pretty quiet, DEADLY accurate :D

My former HK SL8 *rip*:



I am in! I wish we could use some Fully Automatic Rifles. Damn I miss using Ak-47 and PKM.
Only a few short years ago you could shoot full auto at the open house! They've really screwed over prohibited firearm owners, once the SAP stuff gets fixed (if ever), you can expect to be shooting them at the open house again :)

-Jamie M.
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Whats the minimum CC required ? cuz I know you guys ride a little fast at times...
This will be a pretty relaxed ride for us. If your bike can do 130 on the 401 you're welcome to come :)

-Jamie M.
Calendar Marked! :p
Don't be late. Roll out is at 7am sharp. Last year we had so many people say "hey, my buddie is almost here", etc. we left almost an hour late, then the lineups for guns were super long :(

7am sharp this year.

-Jamie M.
I am there at 6:45 full tank an all, otherwise don't wait for me or my buds cuz I know I wouldn't wait for them.
Ill be there
OMG so much fun:) The DE was my favorite!!!
It's everyone's favourite! That's why the ammo sells out so fast! If you want to try this, make sure the first thing you do is buy LOTS of ammo tickets and head to the indoor handgun range! The .50AE ammo isn't cheap, but it's so damn fun THUMP THUMP THUMP!


-Jamie M.
Any stops for gas, by the way? Map shows 200km from KC, on a full tank I'd usually be into reserve by that point
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