Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

Dude it's the SPORT fit. Probably kills your bike.

Oh Sport Fit, those are like +2hp, yo. Fit a big Chinese wing on it, should go much faster.


Plus this custom exhaust, +50hp!

Anyone know what this is about?

"2006 Honda CBR 600rr Clean Title / ownership for sale.

Not selling the bike. Just ownership.

$1199 OBO
Won't last long. "

What is the point of an ownership without a bike? $1200 sounds like a lot for nothing.

bike is probably a track bike now, ownership is for someone who steals a bike and slaps a new vin on it or buys a braneded bike and re-vins is.
but either way, for a 2006 cbr600rr thats a overpriced piece of paper.. bike would be worth 4-6 grand.

also seems like a weak attempt at a police sting.
so whats stopping someone from buying the ownership and then claiming the bike?
or he grinded the vvins off it already.
Also a chance the bike was dumped bent the frame and it was parted out with the frame chopped for scrap metal.
Selling the vin gets him a few more bucks.

also opens the potential buyer to being able to file a fraud theft claim.

absolutely nothing. as long as you don't sign something saying otherwise.
Meh.. considering our overpriced GTA market, I'd say someone will at least make him an offer in the spring.

I bought a mint 04 zx6r for $ 2009.
I wonder how many people have stopped posting on GTAM after their ads were posted here...
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