"Everything was made WITHOUT A SINGLE SKETCH.
This bike is a great display piece, and guarantees the most attention at the motor shows. "
See ya at the International Centre!
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$200,000 for a Harley chopper anyone? Or have any spare Lamborghinis laying around to give the guy?
$500,057.00 -but regular oil changes (not synthetic, or it would be $500,157.00)
lol that wood bike is sick. I'd totally buy it if I had $3,000 to waste.
and do what with it? Hat rack?
Not really stupidly overpriced.
Still has a warranty till 2015 and only 3k. I'm sure someone will scoop it up for maybe a few more bucks off.
It's a Quebec ad that actually has English copy in it, can't be mad at that
How can the guy even take himself seriously? LOLGold chopper, only $54,000
It's actually a great deal.
$11,199 MSRP
The guy is asking $700 less than MSRP for a used bike with 3000kms on it... As soon as you ride it out of the dealership that street triple r is worth about $2000 less than sticker price.