Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

Dropped 2016 Kawasaki er6n, 8300km, still wants $5500 for it.

I sold mine mint condition for around $5k few months ago.

Kawasaki ER-6N 2016,

Price: $*5,500

2009 Ducati Monster 696, 34,000km, $6,800.

Ducati Monster 696,

Price: $*6,800

Overpriced, maybe. But stupidly overpriced? Nah.
Overpriced, maybe. But stupidly overpriced? Nah.
True. Was going for overpriced. For me, a dropped bike automatically drops 50-60% in current market value. Not that I would ever buy one, even if the damage is purely cosmetic.

Monsters are highly overpriced. Not sure who would wanna pay $6.8k for a 9 year old with 34k km on it. $4k is more like it.
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Damn, please PM if you ever drop one of your bikes and it has purely cosmetic damage. I'll give you 40-50% of its current market value.
If I ever drop my bike, I won't sell it till I run it to the ground.
By then it'll just be worth few parts.
Originally Posted by roadrash View Post
... For me, a dropped bike automatically drops 50-60% in current market value. Not that I would ever buy one, even if the damage is purely cosmetic. ...

the irony :rolleyes:
the irony :rolleyes:

True. Was going for overpriced. For me, a dropped bike automatically drops 50-60% in current market value. Not that I would ever buy one, even if the damage is purely cosmetic.

Monsters are highly overpriced. Not sure who would wanna pay $6.8k for a 9 year old with 34k km on it. $4k is more like it.

Really? If that was the case every ADV bike or dirt bike should be free on Kijiji with the amount of times they see the ground :lmao:
Really? If that was the case every ADV bike or dirt bike should be free on Kijiji with the amount of times they see the ground :lmao:
I wasn't stating a fact. Read my post again. I said "for me". I would never buy a used adv or dirt bike for the reason you stated.
Come on everyone knows once a bike touches the ground it's permanently broken.
If you would never buy one then for you, the value drops 100% not 50-60%. ;)

Seriously though - why not? Does it bother you so much that you don't know what happened exactly? What is it?
Just feel like it's tainted lol. No good reason, just personal preference. Of course someone could fool me into buying one if it was just cosmetic damage, but if I know I wouldn't wanna buy one.
Just feel like it's tainted lol. No good reason, just personal preference. Of course someone could fool me into buying one if it was just cosmetic damage, but if I know I wouldn't wanna buy one.

I'm exactly the same
would never buy a dropped street bike
unless I was convinced it was a driveway drop only
and professionally repaired
dirt for sure, they are built for that
1979 Honda XL185 for $1000 OBO, except it's not a 1979 XL185 but a 1984 XR200R, not even in good condition:

1979 xl185. Runs perfectly, new electrical. New spark plug, cdi, back brakes, grips, oil cap. Comes with spare parts and a manual. Has ownership. Need gone this week. 1000 OBO
I replied saying the following:
Hi, Assuming it truly is a XL185 then it should be street legal as it's a dual sport, to do that though it looks like it'd need a ton of work to get it back on the road, with that in mind if you can't sell it then I might be interested in taking it for free.
He replied:
Hey, sorry, definitely would not let it go for free. Now although you may know it is not an xl185 frame you are wrong about the bike not being dual sport. The frame is a 1984 xr200r frame. A dual sport/ enduro bike. All this bike needs is a headlight and tail light. It has owner ship and all.

I was assuming it was a 79 XL185 as listed in the ad but with a XR seat & missing Lights & other pieces.

Edit: here's another ad he got posted up for it:


1979 xl185, starts first or second kick. New cdi. Nee spark plug, throttle cable, grips, back brakes, oil cap. Comes with a bunch of spare parts + manual. Has ownership. I’ve only ran premium through the bike. 1000 O.B.O. Low balls or kijidiots will be ignored.
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Lowest effort post for a bike that's way over priced. And this coming from a guy with an 09 gsxr 600.
This is probably "look honey, I'm trying to sell it but no one is buying"
thats a new gtam member, he hasn't put any pics up and yes it is quite overpriced at 6800
Just feel like it's tainted lol. No good reason, just personal preference. Of course someone could fool me into buying one if it was just cosmetic damage, but if I know I wouldn't wanna buy one.

I understand. However, most bikes have been dropped. Personally I don't care much - it's just a thing. I don't care about things. I use them. :)
What you really don't want is structural damage. I remember I went to see a bike in Tri-Cities. "Mint" of course. The frame was cracked. The owner did not volunteer this information but he did assure me that it could be easily welded for $80, after my friend discovered the issue.
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