Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

This bike has a bunch of upgrades, but I have seen the prices of 696s go from around 5800 in December to now 8400-10000. One thing I learned is buying in the season is around 25% more than from September-March.
If you are trying on selling a bike for $65000, pay someone $100 to take some decent pictures. Every pic is blurry :/

I can only imagine how much insurance would love you when you called them and tried to get a price on that thing.

I mean, if you brought that to Canada I'm sure you wouldn't be able to get insurance on it. But in the states it shouldn't be a huge problem.
I upgraded today. Went from 2 years in CBR300R Abs to now Duke 690. The bike is pretty cool, just went on a 4 hour joy ride. Highway, country roads, breaks, clutch control, I love it! The seller was cool, looked like he maintained it well. Was riding with temp stickers, haha got pulled over, was scared it was for speeding. Will get it safetied and get proper stickers tomorrow.
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This guys a professional junkyard dealer, look at his other ads

Income tax, programmable coffee maker, oh my!
Got a good one here. $15,000 1997 KX250

"It has taken a professional 3 and half years to spec build this bike for me and I am offering it for a limited time for the cost of the parts only, labor excluded perceiving you had the ability to build this yourself. It cost over 22K to build this bike."
Jesus, take it down, cover it in dirt, ride the ******* thing ScroogMcDuck

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"I won't accept wasting my time just to see the bike"

slow clap.
Why buy a new 2017 leftover for 3,000 when you can buy a used 2015 with 20,000km for $3500.... blows my mind
Listed price is $3500, but the description says $3300 or best offer, but still yeah, you got a good point.
Edit: For Reference, my local Honda dealership got none listed as new non-current or pre-owned, but a new 2018 would be $3905, so the used 2015 on Kijiji is $405-605 or best offer under the price of a new 2018, considering it's 3 years old & got 20000km that's a little shallow. I'd say offer $2475-2625 minimum.
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Got a good one here. $15,000 1997 KX250

"It has taken a professional 3 and half years to spec build this bike for me and I am offering it for a limited time for the cost of the parts only, labor excluded perceiving you had the ability to build this yourself. It cost over 22K to build this bike."

This "professional" must be poor as fk. He made $7,000 in 3.5 years. Would be better off working at MacDonalds.
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