Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

Yeah I don't think this guy stripped all of that and had it powder coated either, I don't think anyone did. Looks like a quick paint and throw a few parts from a cafe kit on it to me.

Sent from my SM-A500W using Tapatalk

I disagree, I used to powder coat and help with builds like this. The paint on the tank, fender and side panels is awful, but the chassis had to be stripped, it was welded and fitted for that seat and new rear sets, old bikes like that dont have chassis that look that clean, paint would look like **** if it was applied over rusty dirty metal. The forks, they look like powder, paint doesn't stick to cast aluminum and give that kind of finish. The springs on the rear shocks, stripped and powdered. The engine cases and cylinders, paint doesn't look like that on an engine for long if it isnt powder. IMO, that bike was completely taken apart and built with care. Its clean from what I can tell from looking at the pics carefully.

Its hardly a "hack"

anyways, carry on, I had my two cents.
Maybe if it's been dropped, lol.
Have a look on Kijiji, you won't find a nice one for less than $4000
The thing with Kijiji is you don't know what (if) it sold for. You only see asking prices.

It boggles my mind how prices keep climbing on older bikes. It's like everyone still thinks their calendar says 2010 and not 2018,and don't realize their bike is a decade old now....
Maybe if it's been dropped, lol.
Have a look on Kijiji, you won't find a nice one for less than $4000

Just cause that's what people are asking for it doesn't mean they're getting it.

1998 Valkyrie Honda f6 1520 cc 550 original K $25,000

Wow, sitting since 98, only 550km. Mint condition! Except for tires, brakes, all fluids, fuel system etc. Only $25000!
That guy is on crack.
Just for comparison.

Please view this ad:

Honda Valkyrie,

Price: $*7,750

Download the application from the Google Play Store.

Please view this ad:

1999 Valkyrie, 13,000 miles,

Price: $*5,250

Download the application from the Google Play Store.
Sent from my SM-A500W using Tapatalk
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Wow, sitting since 98, only 550km. Mint condition! Except for tires, brakes, all fluids, fuel system etc. Only $25000!
That guy is on crack.

Don't forget unheated shed/barn. Mice eating wiring, seats just everything. One to many "0" I think

"Contract release 140 a month Already paided a whole year 5000 km The bike is mint So the amount was 12.845 $ The actual amount is 8.369 $ Interest is 4.45 % Still 75 months at 140 $ a month"

So just $10500 for a used bike worth half that ??

did you not see the periods? its not 12,845 but $12.845 he just forgot the period at the monthly payment $1.40 a month with 78 months to go.
what a steal.
but seriously, even MSRP on is $7399.
dude took a 15 year loan on a bike
it will always be underwater
depreciation will always outweigh the interest
he's fooked
dude took a 15 year loan on a bike
it will always be underwater
depreciation will always outweigh the interest
he's fooked

And it's a quebec bike which always seem to sell for less when used.

At some point, regulators are going to crack down on these excessively long loans. If you need a 15 year loan to buy a bike, you can't afford a bike. Any vehicle loan should probably cap around six years. People keep rolling the remainder of their last car loan into the next one, at some point, they are going to get denied because they owe way more than is supported by the collateral.

"This bike is absolutely perfect and I spent 25000 on it before it left the store."

Well there's your problem. You took a bike with a sub 10,000 MSRP and spent another 15 on it. People need to realize that any extras are like lighting money on fire, buy them because they make you happy but assume you are getting 0 for them when you sell it.

In 2 years he has put less than 6,000 km on it, I think he could have saved the $1000 on the Corbin. I still don't see 15K in extras there (unless he is also on the 15 year financing plan).
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guy would be far ahead to return the bike to stock
maybe get 7K for it?

then part all that other stuff out separately
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Yeah, comparable bikes have been listed for under 7K.

I'll pay a bit more for a bike with an exhaust and some basic mods, but you're only ever going to get a fraction of what you spend on those parts back when you sell, if any. Cosmetic mods sometimes reduce the resale value.

yup. i see rizoma, rizoma, rizoma, i want the stock parts available and want it for less money.
is no one else truly disgusted by that bar end mirror? i puked in my mouth a little.
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