Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

"2009 Kawasaki ninja 250r $2500 needs a little work, Needs fairings, clucth and bake liver , and back lights and little wiring easy fix"

bake liver indeed
"2009 Kawasaki ninja 250r $2500 needs a little work, Needs fairings, clucth and bake liver , and back lights and little wiring easy fix"

i think he forgot a decimal point, should be $25.00
As in he should pay you $25 to haul this piece of crap to the junk yard.
I think a mint condition 2009 Ninja may be worth his asking price of $2500. maybe.

this has to be a joke. No farging way someone actually expects to get $2500 for this?
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry about the spelling.

I messaged him... “You mean $250, right?”

Now, we wait.
A guy i worked with was trying to sell a 20 yr old Kiwi helmet.I gave him ten bucks,cut the chin strap off and handed it back to him.He was furious.And an idiot!
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