Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

$2000 more than new, must be a sweet tinted windscreen.

You seem to be forgetting it's the special edition, so it must be a very rare bike which explains why the value has appreciated over 30% after only a few months off the showroom floor.
This bike should obviously be in The Reasonably Priced Used Motorcycles for Sale Thread :evil3:

Also, don't forget it was owned by a mature rider who is confident that he is too good at riding for his ninja 300 so he needs a 600 after only 1600km of experience! Watch out Rossi...
Hell that is resonably priced I picked up my 2010 Roadstar 1700 with 2,800 KKM last year for under $10,000. This bike has mine beat it is 10 years older and has 26,000 more KM on it..lmao

Yeah and its been maintained by a HD mechanic!!! I'd rather not have a tractor mechanic working on my Japanese perfection.

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Also has 900w amp running through 2 5 1/4" speakers. The stock stator is only good for 250w, hopefully whoever buys it doesn't like listening to music.

I haven't looked in a car audio catalogue in about a decade, but wouldn't a 900W amp pretty much fill one of the saddlebags? Where the heck would you put it?

" if you've ever restored one of these you know how much it costs."

If you've ever restored anything you know it costs at least double what the object will eventually be worth (normally probably even worse than that). That should put his price between $1000-1500.

Upon further inspection, he's never going to sell that thing. People are asking 800 for CT70's. He would need to be in that range or lower.
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